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Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:55 am
by jaime
My sinful ways finally came back to haunt me! I made cake batter blondies and they got a little over baked. I thought, a little hard to chew, no problem. Well, I didn't even notice that both wires came out of the brackets on my molar. I bit down so hard, it pushed them both out on my right side. 2 or 3 days went by before I even noticed, whoops!

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:38 pm
by vaselina
I was really good the first 3-6 months, but now I have slacked on flossing (ever since getting elastics and power chain it is a major PITA), and I am drinking soda again. I also eat pringles.

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 8:29 am
by mrscetrone
I can never say no to tortilla chips. I just crush them up into smaller pieces and eat them in a taco salad. I drink wine all the time.

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:32 pm
by aspiromusings
Norrie wrote:
I have a love affair going with my WaterPik that may eventually make my husband jealous. How did I ever live without it? My precious.
^ ^ this made me LOL, completely agree with this one, how could I have ever lived without it?

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 5:42 pm
by aspiromusings
cs2thecox wrote:Not really an orthodontic sin, but probably a domestic one...

I have used my WaterPik to clean the sink.

(You know when you get that rim of soap scum and scale round the plug hole? The WaterPik blasts that RIGHT off! Also the scale round the taps...)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :-* :-* :-* :-*

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:03 pm
by aspiromusings
This thread is hilarious and have convinced me that adult brace wearers are worse sinners than kids/teens!

I have only been in braces for 3 weeks now, my sins (already) are as follows: -

1. I drink black coffee 2x daily - you can take away many things from me but coffee ain't one of them, I have however compromised by drinking it through a straw and am quite pleased that I found this "loophole" in the system

2. Whats flossing? I am in a loving relationship with my waterpik thanks, in fact the only time one came off was when I cheated on the waterpik and tried to floss with the O_r_lB superfloss, conclusion: flossing should go on the No no list

3. I eat curries, sugary treats all the time - brackets are fine, just chew slowly, again I was quite pleased with myself to have found this "loophole" lol

4. I drink tea regularly

Thats it (for now) but I'm sure I will be adding to this in the months to come ;)

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 5:27 am
by djspeece
I actually provided a real confession to my ortho following my last visit. For those of you who have memorized all of my posts, you'll recall that my ortho is excellent, but doesn't always provide a detailed update on progress or estimated time to completion. I've been in these things for 29 months so needless to say I am over braces. Anyhow, I have a stubborn molar on my bottom jaw that has been resistant to movement; at my last visit my ortho causally mentions "Well, you're done except for that bottom molar." At the previous visit, he instructed me to only wear elastics on the left side, and applied a closing coil for good measure. There was little progress made in the past month, and he commented, "I just don't know why that tooth is not moving, maybe we'll do another Propel treatment next time." I was frustrated too.
I start work each morning in my office with some yogurt and fruit while I open my email to learn about the latest crisis on my project. Early in my orthodontic treatment I'd wolf it down, trot smartly off to the lavoratory, brush, and quickly reapply elastics. The morning after my last orthodontic visit I realized it was nearly 11AM and I had not reapplied my elastics. I further realized that in the past month this had been rather routine. Upon further reflection I also realized that I do the same thing in the evening. After exercising and completing chores around the house, I make dinner and remove my elastics. The problem is that over the past month or so I don't put them back in for hours, often not until bedtime. The funny/pathetic thing is that I thought I was being compliant.
So, I did send my ortho an email outlining my latest orthodontic sins, noting that the molar is moving now that I have seen the error of my ways, and that we should see significant progress at the next visit, which is on the 21st of this month.

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 3:34 pm
by ditsy
Lol I used my braces as an excuse not to eat my mum-in-laws massive Sunday roasts...I just had a pile of mash with gravy and it was probably the best meal I have EVER had!!!!

I still eat sweets and chocolate and cornettos. I drink coffee, and lots of squash and ribena......I snuck one of my daughter's chewy bonbons last week out her pick and mix and it was worth every last painful chew!!!

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 12:49 pm
by binx
Well, I'm rebraced, so I obviously didn't wear my retainer! (Don't be me!) ;)

But when I had braces before, I drank tea, coffee, wine, ate popcorn, and didn't floss super-faithfully. Everything was okay. I never ever popped a bracket, either.

Trying for the same record this time, but with proper compliance after these things come off!

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:25 pm
by bliss4me
I don't floss every single day. They still tell me I have healthy gums.

I did double up on my bands, especially at night. I believe that helped.

I was to wear my retainer 24/7 for the first year, at 8 months I was wearing it 12 hours/day at best. That all changed last week.

I ate tons of popcorn.

I ate caramel.

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:27 pm
by binx
Oh, caramel, too.

I did have caramel apples, but had to cut them up. But I was determined!

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:06 pm
by MissV
2 weeks in to having my braces and so far:

-I am still using Colgate Optic White to brush
-Coffee, tea, wine...bring it on! I'm not giving up my "vices". Does it help I do not put sugar in the coffee and tea? :)
-bought and attempted to use the floss for braces, a slow moving nightmare, immediately went back to using the waterpik

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 11:38 am
by KayKay
I didn't know drinking tea was a sin? I drink iced tea - several glasses of it every day. It is my favorite drink and I won't do without it. I have to stop drinking it by 3 pm every day or else it will interrupt my sleep. :)

I've "eaten" a few gummy bears. But I put them in my mouth, one at a time and let it almost dissolve. Otherwise, I haven't had anything sticky - yet.

I don't floss every day. It's such a chore. But I use my waterpik and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I am sure when my braces are long gone, I will still be clutching my waterpik. Apparently I'm not alone. :-*

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 2:45 am
by LillyS
I ate a Toffee crisp and peanuts... :oops:

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:08 am
by embraced13
I chew gum
I eat pizza (with the crust)

Basically theres only 2 things I dont eat.
1. Whole Apples
2. Nuts

these 2 makes it absolutely annoying, not worth the hassle.