Ortho MIA?

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Re: Ortho MIA?

#16 Post by Lorianne »

That's got to feel very unsettling.

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Re: Ortho MIA?

#17 Post by Norrie »

That is super weird, unsettling, and unprofessional. I would want to know exactly what you're supposed to do in the case of an emergency, and yes, I would definitely go in this week to get your records. You have a right to those records, so don't let them tell you otherwise.

While there, I would play dumb and say, "my insurance company is concerned about the two month closure and whether they should continue payment. Can you provide me with more information about what is happening so that I can relay it to them?".

Also, don't pay for any work until it has been completed. Overall, I think that I'd get my records and move to a new orthodontist ASAP. This office sounds extremely unprofessional and I can't imagine that you're getting a high level of care which bouncing between different doctors in what is an obviously struggling practice. I'd jump ship now to ensure good results and no wasted money.

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Re: Ortho MIA?

#18 Post by mommyof4 »

I definitely would be alarmed. That is not normal. I would definitely stop paying and go up to the office and find out whats going on and if they are going to remain open. Good luck with everything.

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Re: Ortho MIA?

#19 Post by bmueller »

Doesn't sound normal to me. They should at least give some general reason why they are closed for 2 months. Heck, my office would even tell me that the ortho is out this week at a conference or on vacation or something. And they certainly should have some emergency backup and should have informed you of this when they said they would be closed.

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Re: Ortho MIA?

#20 Post by klobird »

Well....the ortho could have a serious illness; the office could be in danger of closing due to unpaid taxes--there are a lot of reasons why they are being so evasive. The ortho may be looking for another ortho to take his place or buy his business....whatever the reason, you have the right to ask if you should be looking for another ortho, and be given an honest answer. They should be willing to answer that without giving you all kinds of information regarding very personal or business issues. If you feel that they are still being evasive, then ask for a copy of your records--but those might cost you. You can do this and still not burn your bridges, which is advisable (the nicer you are, the more info you might get!).

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