Canine teeth tipping in with elastics (no hook on bracket)

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Canine teeth tipping in with elastics (no hook on bracket)

#1 Post by francis29 »

I have been in elastics for an over jet for about a week. I have clear brackets on top with no hooks so my ortho told me to put the elastic on my canine tooth in the grove of the bracket to lower farthest molar on both sides which I have done. Tonight I feel my canine teeth are both tipping into my mouth & they are hitting the lower teeth. The canine teeth are very sore. Has anyone heard of hanging the elastic from the bracket itself with out a hook?

I am not wearing my elastics tonight bc at this point it seems they are only moving and tipping my canines in not moving the over jet in the slightest.



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Re: Canine teeth tipping in with elastics (no hook on bracke

#2 Post by yoginbraces »

I have an overjet also and have worn different configurations of elastics for the past year. My teeth have over corrected due to elastics from time to time. What the ortho did is reconfigure the elastics to correct it during the next visit. A lot of times they are working on turning teeth and all kinds of things and will correct the tipping, etc. on a later step in the process. I wouldn't worry about it though. But I would make an appt to see the ortho instead of not wearing elastics. You want to follow your orthos instructions. I haven't always done it and it just delays things. Good luck!

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Re: Canine teeth tipping in with elastics (no hook on bracke

#3 Post by francis29 »

Thank you Yogi,

I went to the ortho today to show him the issue with the canines tipping in, he did notice it. Because my brackets end with the last premolars (the last two teeth in all 4 quadrants are either crowned or have onlay's so I do not have molar bands) the ortho had to make wire ties to hold the elastics that kept popping off when we attached the upper elastic to the first premolar that had a hook.

Anyway long and the short is my teeth are now 'straight' and I am not going to try to reduce the over jet. Ortho said its btwn 4-5 mm and thinks it will recede more with time. Wearing the elastics also made my back teeth not bite down properly and I sort of panicked feeling like wow maybe I am making more problems for myself and should leave well enough alone. So, we are no longer doing elastics (which was orthos original recommendation for me) he wanted me to deband last week on the top.

I did have a little o btwn my front teeth that cropped up from the elastics use last week so he double power chained the two front teeth and I will go back next week to see if that gap closed and my left front tooth is very slightly in front of my right front tooth which if the power chain also fixed means I will get the braces off next week on top. If not he will kink my wire and I will go back the week after. The bottoms have about 2 months left for gaps to close. I am supremely excited and now counting down the days to get these top brackets off, gum contouring, and teeth bleaching, yay!

This board has been a life saver for me that past 6 months in these braces. My teeth won't be 'perfect' but I'm not getting into all that bite stuff or pulling teeth (now if my premolars were the crowned teeth I might have considered it but my premolars are healthy). But, I read a few stories about people having to put implants in where the gap didn't close properly after years and years of braces and ... you know it was too much for me to even consider after everything else dentally I have been thru. I wanted straight teeth, and I have them. YAY!


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