ALF Appliance - is anyone having treatment using this ?

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Re: ALF Appliance - is anyone having treatment using this ?

#91 Post by Andj »

Hi there, I’m looking for contact detail for dentists in Dublin, Ireland that provide ALF. Thanks

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Joined: Thu Jul 14, 2022 5:38 am

Re: ALF Appliance - is anyone having treatment using this ?

#92 Post by Humdan »

Is an Alf appliance same as twin blocks?

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Re: ALF Appliance - is anyone having treatment using this ?

#93 Post by MamaSita »

My 19 year old son and I got our ALF appliances installed a few days ago. It is more uncomfortable and invasive than I thought it would be. It's a foreign object in your mouth with wires on the roof of your mouth and the floor. It's been about 2-1/2 days and it is getting easier to bear for me. My son's is a little different than mine and it's really not okay. We are going to ask for a refit or maybe even to have it remade. There are wires crossing the biting surfaces of his teeth so he can't chew. We are both having problems with food and have resorted to smoothies, banana bread (soft things). Cleaning is much harder than I expected. I ate some quinoa this morning, thinking that because it was small I could just sort of swallow it. Wrong. It took me 15 minutes of brushing, flossing and swishing to get most of it out of my teeth and the appliance. Hoping it gets better.

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