Underbite treatment

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Underbite treatment

#1 Post by Danatlive »

I've been having orthodontic treatment since July 2008, and at first my experience was going well I was happy with my teeth. Now, in the past 9 months I've started developing an underbite, I'd say it was more related to my teeth than my jaw and my facial profile isn't really that affected but it is a bad underbite! It's more than edge to edge, I can more or less get the tip of my tongue up behind it. My jaw has also started popping out on the left side of my face when I open my mouth wide and my bottom set of teeth are misaligned with my top; bottom are slightly more over to the right. Thus my teeth only meet on the left size. My far upper back left molar (I don't have wisdom teeth yet) is not aligned with the bottom however the right is.
I feel like rather than my problem getting better it is only getting worse and rapidly for that matter.
It may be worth mentioning that I had a quad helix for 3 weeks max. and I was having problems with it actually staying in my mouth so they just took it off after it had came out twice.

Currently I have reverse curve wires on my uppers and lowers. I would like to know what these do exactly.
And I am also wondering if it is usual for my underbite to get worse before it gets any better.

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Re: Underbite treatment

#2 Post by uvraise »

I would think your ortho wanted your top palate expanded in some way either from true expansion if your young enough and your palatine bones haven't fused yet or more of a tipping of your teeth. If you state your QH was only in for a short time I don't see how either is possible. As for your under bite, I started out with worse than your describing. My ortho corrected it with a combination of different elastic configurations. I think you should bring your concerns with your bite up with your ortho and ask them what they're going to do to correct it! Good luck!

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