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#1 Post by GiovanntiLawing »

Hi all,

I'm back. I've been away for a while due to heavy deadlines at work.

So, I've been in braces for going on a year now. This July 9th I think will make 12 months, and my teeth are looking better and better every single day. My ortho put this huge huge thick wire on my bottom teeth and I swear to the man above, it felt like someone took a brick and threw it at my jaw. How do you deal with that? No meds are working. He said it would subdue in a few days, (which I thought to be true because every other time it has), but not this time. My teeth are freaking KILLING ME!!

Does this just mean my teeth are really screwed up and the wires are just doing their job? or something must not be right here? I'm almost in too much pain here.

Another question, and it may just be different for everyone...when did you start wearing bands? I was given the two year "sentence" and im thinking they go on at the end of my treatment? Who knows? Just wanted to know from more experienced people with braces and bands. I had them 10 years ago and I cant remember if I had bands at the end or the start of my first treatment.

Any advice, I'll take it.

Thank you
Giovannti. 26 years old with braces..

2nd Time w/Braces
Metal-First time 10 years ago
Ceramic-(Second time) Top Arch Installed 7/9/2008, Bottom Arch Installed 9/10/2008

Next Adjustment 11/25/2008

Word of advice: WEAR YOUR RETAINERS!!

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