2nd adjustment today question about wire number ?

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Ice runner
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2nd adjustment today question about wire number ?

#1 Post by Ice runner »

Hi everybody,

I know this question was already answered, but didnt find in quick search, and I am sorry, but dont have a lot of time searching it.

Today I had second adjustment, and my ortho said nurse to give him a wire number 14. Whats that mean? Good, bad...? I am around 5 months in, and I think all that stuff are going really slowly. :? Nothing major didnt happen yet.

Thanks a lot, bye

Sorry for mistakes. :oops:

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#2 Post by Megan11 »

It is not just the size of the wire that matters but the shape ( rectangular, circular) and the material from which it's made that matters( Nickel Titanium, Stainless Steel, etc.)

You cannot use the rectangular stainless steel wires until your teeth are pretty much all the way straight. So if your teeth are a little wonky than you are probably in a Niti 0.14 Wire. But, only your ortho will know for sure. I always just ask the assistant so I don't seem too nosey with my ortho :o

My stainless steel wire is 0.19 x 0.25 . I am pretty sure that all rectangular wires have the, by 0.25 on the end.

Don't quote me on any of this because this is just my basic understanding of the wires.

Hope I helped.

Oh and to add, when you ask your otho assistant if you're still in the 0.14 Niti wire and she does say yes than I would ask your Ortho how your treatment is coming along and if your teeth are on track.

Damon 3's
First 6 Clear/Metal

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