Spacer tomorrow

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Spacer tomorrow

#1 Post by Summer73 »

Well it has been a good month and a bit with the upper braces, now in the morning I go for one spacer to be placed between the lower back two molars. Then on Monday the 27th I go back to the Ortho for the bottom braces and bite plate. It's a lot within the next few days. I hope the rest go as well as the other has. :)
I have been sententenced to 31 months.



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#2 Post by Tommm »

Go eat a huge burger and fries (or whatever is your guilty pleasure) right now! Spacers don't seem like anything but they usually make it difficult/painful to bite down on food. I wish I had known this before I got my spacers so I could have enjoyed some tasty "last meals" :) Good luck!

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#3 Post by Tommm »

Oops I just noticed that you already have top braces. I'm out of it lol. Good luck getting your lowers anyways :)

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#4 Post by kilikena311 »

good luck with the spacer. The best thing I found for the spacer pain was Benzodent cream which I found in the denture section but it says it is for denture and brace pain. Its thick so stays where you rub it and it really got that deep down ouchie ache under control. Good luck with everything.

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#5 Post by Summer73 »

Okay, I'm falling behind on replying. So sorry! :) I went for the lower banding this morning, with a coil placed between two of my uppers where there is a gap. The spacer that I had placed last Thursday never bothered me once. I never noticed it being there. They also tightened my uppers today and OUCH! That was painful for my front four teeth. After banding my lowers, that wasn't quite so bad, but now that the day has come towards a end, I have a lot of discomfort on my lower front teeth. I'm trying to be brave and 'suffer' through it, but I might have to take some ibuprofen. I do find the bite plate a nuisance since my lowers are so sore and they knock against the bite plate. My other teeth don't even touch together with the bite plate and can't really sort out what or how to eat. I suppose any weight that I wanted to lose will be coming on soon! Just 10 lbs would do.
I have been sententenced to 31 months.



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