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Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:53 pm
by tammers1010
Like many adult brace wearers I felt horrible. I was also incredibly self-conscious because I had a huge family event, my sister's baby shower, two days after I had them put on. I was in pain, and everyone kept asking to see my braces. It was even worse because my #@^$9 of an aunt, who was trying to be mean, ran right up to me and rubbed my stomach asking how the baby was. I wanted to slug her right there, but figured you can't hit someone if you throw the shower. I didn't look pregnant, but at that point my self esteem couldn't get any lower. It didn't make me feel better when all my friends kept mentioning them and making wise cracks about my braces the week after either. It's also strange to chew anything for a while. It was like learning to eat all over again. Food stuck in braces is a pain.
That being said, that is probably the worse you're going to go through. The mental adjustment is probably a bit more difficult than the physical adjustment. After the first few weeks, you stop being self concious. Most people don't even notice I have them anymore. I think you call more attention to yourself in the first few weeks.
Some advice: 1) Use wax liberally at first
2) Stock up on advil if you don't handle pain well
3) Invest in a waterpik (it's much easier than flossing, just don't drop the waterpik on a higher level like I did.
4)Always, always, always carry a travel size toothbrush or those dentapik things. They are great for dislodging food particles.
5) Swish and swallow to discretely remove food stuck in teeth when you can't brush.

Hope this helps!

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:50 pm
by MrMetalMouth1029
Initially, I was a little disappointed for the same reason as many other posters--I realized my teeth were more crooked than I even imagined! But I became a very popular person at work, so I never felt belittled or ashamed to smile. It's only been 3 weeks and I'm noticing differences already...the end product will be worth it!

I also agree with the short time since I've been braced, I've already had two family members approach me regarding braces. I guess they needed to be the follower and now I get to be the leader :D

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 1:55 am
by TheNewEmperor
It was a shock but mostly it was relief....relieved that I was FINALLY moving towards having the smile I've always wanted.

My dentist keeps saying how he will work with me so I don't have to wear the braces any longer than necessary and I always say that I don't mind how long it braced teeth look 100% better than my original teeth.

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:29 am
by Eriann
bbsadmin wrote:I looked in the mirror and thought, "Wow, I didn't chicken out! I did it! Hey, I look kinda cute with these things on!" They made me look a lot younger, IMO! :wink:
Haha - I thought the same :)

Contrary to how I expected to feel - I loved them instantly. I think the fact I had such crooked teeth helped - like others have said - anything was better. And that subtle sinking feeling as I registered/felt a tiny bit of pity from people when they first look at my teeth - whether imagined or real - is gone for good. Really small fry in the grand scheme - but it's a grinder over the years eh? :)

I hope you have a good reaction - and if not - that you'll grow to like them. Whether it's within 5 mins or a few days - I'm sure you will ultimately :)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:38 pm
by acd
When my top braces were put on my first reaction was that they didn't look too bad. The brackets were ceramic and I had a spring between my left central and cainine with a string tied to my lateral to make room for it to come forward. I was always embarassed by how that tooth looked and braces made it look like I was doing something about it. The rest of my top teeth were fairly straight, at least I thought so until I saw how the wire curved, so that was a bit of a surprise.

The ceramic bracket on my lateral came off twice in the first two weeks. Originally he had said that he would be putting a metal bracket on it until it moved forward but what I didn't expect was that he would replace it with a metal band. Because that tooth was so far back you really couldn't see it but as the spring made more room and the tooth came forward the band became more obvious. At my second adjustment when my ortho put the wire through the band I didn't care how it looked because I was so thrilled to finally have that tooth in line with the rest of my teeth.

I knew my lower teeth were really crowded but when I first saw my metal braces on them I was shocked at truly how bad they looked. The brackets didn't line up with each other and the wire was so wavy that I thought it was a roller coaster track. It wasn't that the hardware looked bad but they just accentuated how out of place my teeth were. The brackets themselves were self ligating and really small and were actually more comfortable in my mouth than my upper ceramics. It didn't take long to see enough changes that I really like how they look. I have smiled more with braces in the past two years than I ever did the previous 25+ years

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:51 pm
by ldbraced
I was shocked more by how they felt than how I looked. I knew my teeth were crooked so I wasn't surprised that my wires and brackets were crooked too. I guess I just didn't expect them to fill up my mouth the way they did (and mine are self-ligating so they are small!). I did think that they made me look younger and that was confirmed when I got carded buying a bottle of dessert wine (how many kids would even buy that?) on the way home from getting them put on.

One month into it I've come to love my braces! My co-workers and family have been supportive. I get more comments about how jealous they are and how they wish they could afford to fix their teeth than anything negative. I think that people recognize that it is something I am doing for my health and well being. Plus, my teeth have already moved a ton and the straighter they get the more I smile!!! I can't wait to see them progress each week and month.

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:08 pm
When i first saw my braces i thought "it doesn't look near as bad as it feels".

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:35 am
by saycheeese
I have full metal braces so it was kind of weird seeing all that metal in my mouth at first, and while I've gotten used to it now, I'm still a bit self conscious about having a metal mouth. However, I keep reminding myself that braces are temporary and my teeth have improved a lot, so its definitely going to be worth it in the end.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:01 am
by FrockyHorror
Yep, completely agree with a lot of the other posters, I was really shocked at just how crooked my teeth were! I was also surprised at how much my top lip got pushed out.

A few months down the line and I do forget that I'm wearing them. And if I'm talking to someone and they seem to be staring curiously at my mouth then I will give them a huge grin and let them get it out of their system :D !!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:50 am
by descantus
The brace has been on for 48 hours now and i'm really pleased with it!

Most of my colleagues havn't even noticed, and when I pointed it out all were complimentary - my boss even said she thought it looked "quite dainty". That was not the kind of comment I was expecting! So anyone out there about to get braces and are worried about their looks - it really isn't that bad :D

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:30 am
by mike
I just got my braces two days ago and I am almost 50 years old. I was surprised at my very first thought when I saw them on: "Wow, they are kinda pretty." It looked like my teeth were wearing a necklace! I am incredibly sore and uncomfortable and my lips are very swollen now though.


Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:59 pm
becaue the wires were crooked.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:19 pm
by holyjoe
I thought...

that I wouldn't get laid for a while...

and I didn't.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:21 am
by naturegirl
The technician put my braces on way faster than I thought it would take, so when she said, "Your top braces are on," my first reaction was, "!!!" It took a couple of days before it sunk in that I was finally doing this and that it would be 18 months before they came off.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:08 pm
by jennielee81
OMG!! :yikes:

GAG :soremouth:

few days later and I was fine about it all.