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#1 Post by ema27 »

hi just had spacers in yesterday they dont hurt really -i tiny ache if that so far..Anyway what im wondering is how do i eat?impossible to chew on both sides and when i eat just using the front teeth i find i just shove it down-so to speak!!feel very hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also my bottom teeth hurt quite a bit and i did not even have spacers at the bottom!-how strange.Are the spacers likely to come out if i chew on them-they feel quite tight in my teeth but i wasnt sure if your meant to not eat with them
Sorry for the rambling its just bugging me !

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Location: Michigan

#2 Post by cowlypso »

You are definitely allowed to chew with the teeth that the spacers are between. If you get pain when you chew with those teeth, go with softer foods. But certainly eat!

With my spacers all over my mouth, I didn't do much chewing because of the pain. I mostly ate oatmeal, soup, mac and cheese, yogurt, muffins, soft crackers... Stuff that didn't hurt to chew. But I did chew using those back teeth.

The spacers are in there pretty tight and probably won't come out. You should check at least once a day to make sure that they are all still there. They should have told you where they were going and how many, so you know. If one does happen to come out, just call your ortho for a time to come in and get a new one. No big deal. As long as you get a new one put in.

None of mine fell out the first week, when I wasn't really eating much that required chewing. It just occurred to me that I actually still have spacers in the top, that come out tomorrow... Those haven't been causing any pain, and I've been chewing lots of stuff. They haven't come out either. I even accidentally flossed in one of those spots, and it didn't budge... But I don't recommend that!

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#3 Post by ema27 »

Hi just managed some potatoes and veg-but couldnt chew the sausages so i gave up!i didn,t mean i didnt know if you were to eat in general just wether im allowed to chew on the spacers.(sorry i didnt realise what it sounded like before reading)Told a few people that im getting braces soon so they all started a big discussion about my teeth!

Posts: 607
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Location: Michigan

#4 Post by cowlypso »

Yup... go ahead and chew on the spacers.

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