What is your daily cleaning ritual?

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What is your daily cleaning ritual?

#1 Post by EKline309 »

So I searched and didn't find a whole lot, but what is your daily cleaning ritual like?? How many times do you brush, floss, use waterpik, rinse?? In what order, how long, just try to guess an average day. Thanks a lot, and if you know a thread where this is already addressed let me know.

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#2 Post by lionfish »

I think this has come up before, but in any event I:

Use interdens stick to remove gunk from teeth after main meals
Brush after main meals
Floss at night

5 minutes each at breakfast and lunch time, about 15 after dinner. I long for the day when I can return to a 2 minute daily cleaning ritual. Cleaning is the single most irritating thing about braces for me.

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#3 Post by ghostmyimag3 »

My Daily cleaning is this:

Eat breakfast
Rinse, Brush, proxa brush around molar brackets

Rinse, Brush, Proxa again same areas

Rinse Brush Proxa again lol

Rinse (if i ate anything)with waterpik
Waterpik again to remove anything left behind using floss
Proxa brush around molars
Gel Kam Flouride
Metal braces on Uppers and lowers-November 8, 2006

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#4 Post by Ronsie »

I'm another OTT person!

Morning after breakfast: brush with biotene toothpaste/manual brush

After lunch: waterpik, electric oral b with Prevident 5000 plus, proxy brush around wires/bands, floss. [if not working from home, use manual brush]

After dinner: waterpik, electric oral b with biotene , proxy brush around wires/bands, floss.

Before bed: brush with manual brush, biotene toothpaste; rinse with biotene rinse. then biotene gel.

I also have a Chilean brand toothpowder that I use sometimes, it keeps my ligs very clean.

I also like the Oral-B Sulcus Toothbrush to clean around my brackets. Most of the brushes are so big.


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