Big space between teeth...good sign?

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Big space between teeth...good sign?

#1 Post by krooner »

OK, first of all, I've become a bit obsessed with my teeth since getting braced and seeing a bit of movement! :D It's only been about 3 months. I only need them for a year and it's mostly because I have two top front teeth that are pushed in making my teeth jet out on the sides.

Anyway, I've noticed them moving but very slowly. However, when I flossed last night I noticed a HUGE space in between my molars a couple of teeth down from the ones that need to "spread out". (man, this post must sound kinda weird!)....I'm just wondering if this is a good sign, and that the "offending teeth" will be moving into place really soon??!! I get my second adjustment next week so I'll ask then but I was just wondering if my Metal Mouth friends could tell me! LOL



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Location: Santiago, Chile

#2 Post by Ronsie »

Dear Gracie,
That's an excellent sign that your teeth on on the move!

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Location: British Columbia

#3 Post by 24KSmile »

Hi Gracie,
Throughout your treatment you may have gaps showing up in different places while the teeth are re-positioning themselves. I've had gaps close & then open up again a few months later & it's not a concern to my ortho. He said that there is an order to moving the teeth & although some things get worse for a while, they eventually improve.

Hope you get good support from your ortho at your next adjustment!

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