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Question bout Molar Bands

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 1:48 pm
by Heavy Metal Girl
I just had my bands and wires put on today and after I left the office I realized that I don't think that the assistant who put the bands on my molars cleaned my teeth before she put the bands on. I brushed my teeth really well before I went to my appointment, but aren't they supposed to clean your teeth before cementing things to them? They cleaned the fronts of my other teeth before putting the brackets on. What is the likelyhood of any cavities forming underneath those bands? Will the foaming action of my toothpaste be able to penetrate the cement? Should I be worried?

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:19 am
by rsprouse
They may have pumiced your front teeth before putting on brackets. That or you are thinking of the etch used to prepare the teeth for bracketing. But the cement used for molar bands and the installation instructions are quite different. The cement that is usually used on molar bands is copiously placed on the inside of the band and it contains fluoride ion. I cannot think of any studies that I have ever read that indicated a higher carries risk in teeth with molar bands. Probably unnecessary worrying on your side.

Good Luck,

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:14 am
by Heavy Metal Girl
Thanks. I am not so worried now. My friend was telling me about how she had cavities on her molars after having her braces removed, but I am betting that, that probably had to do with poor dental hygene on her part. I have never been so preoccupied with my teeth as I am now that I'm having braces for the second time around. Maybe that is a good thing. Now that I have braces, my teeth are always clean and I always have fresh breath!

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 2:15 pm
by Joual
They didn't clean my teeth before they put my molar bands on. Don't worry about cavities. Your teeth will be ok.