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Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 3:44 pm
by Branwillaws
I break most the rules, i eat whatever i want, chips, chocolate almonds, twizzlers.
I never floss. takes to much time, but i do use prevident toothpaste and use the gum picks, also just recently bought and started using a waterpik, other than it making a mess sometimes and being loud, its great.

im suffering right now, im 24 days post op double jaw surgery, and cant stand not being able to eat things i want. I havnt officially had the go ahead to eat soft foods, but i started eating pastas, kraft dinner, sheppards pie ect.. im so sick of soups and boost/ensure. Infact im sure my surgeon would say its okay because i dont chew. i see him next week ill let him know then lol!

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:43 am
by jfriend33
CCinBraces wrote:
oldfart wrote:If I am talking to you, face to face, and you have braces. I am checking them out, vs looking at you eye to eye.

Heck I now find myself checking out everyones teeth as I am talking to them, and mentally coming up with a orthodontic plan for them if I think they need them.
Me too....and constantly looking for open bites!
u should look at older photos of michelle obama. she has one.

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 7:37 am
by EWUgal15
Branwillaws wrote:im suffering right now, im 24 days post op double jaw surgery, and cant stand not being able to eat things i want. I havnt officially had the go ahead to eat soft foods, but i started eating pastas, kraft dinner, sheppards pie ect.. im so sick of soups and boost/ensure. Infact im sure my surgeon would say its okay because i dont chew. i see him next week ill let him know then lol!
That's pretty amazing 21 days post op from BSSO, I was told I could start changing my elastics again. The first thing I thought was "I can eat without a syringe!" and then I realized I couldn't really open my mouth wide enough to do so. In fact, the first time I took my elastics off by myself and opened my mouth, I stood staring at myself in the mirror trying to remember how to close it. If you are able to open that wide at 24 days post double jaw, I'm impressed.

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:55 pm
by stellarxoxo
I smoke daily.
I eat chips and most of the time my wire pops out. Can't tell you how many times I've had to pop it back in.
I drink coffee and tea.
I'm obsessed with those little gum brand floss sticks.
I eat pizza with crust.
I eat gummy candies but it takes awhile... lol

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:15 pm
by Branwillaws
EWUgal15 wrote:
Branwillaws wrote:im suffering right now, im 24 days post op double jaw surgery, and cant stand not being able to eat things i want. I havnt officially had the go ahead to eat soft foods, but i started eating pastas, kraft dinner, sheppards pie ect.. im so sick of soups and boost/ensure. Infact im sure my surgeon would say its okay because i dont chew. i see him next week ill let him know then lol!
That's pretty amazing 21 days post op from BSSO, I was told I could start changing my elastics again. The first thing I thought was "I can eat without a syringe!" and then I realized I couldn't really open my mouth wide enough to do so. In fact, the first time I took my elastics off by myself and opened my mouth, I stood staring at myself in the mirror trying to remember how to close it. If you are able to open that wide at 24 days post double jaw, I'm impressed.
Yes I'm healing really well. It's amazing how different everyone's recovery is and also how different each surgeon is. I can currently open my mouth about 3 fingers wide. I see my surgeon tomorrow and I haven't been very good with wearing my elastics.. I just keep breaking them it's annoying

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:14 pm
by sh11636
My orthodontist knows when I do something I'm not supposed to... lol
Okay here goes:
1. I chew gum
2. I chew sticky lollies
3. I have hard foods 24hrs after a bracket replacement

On the whole I'm alright I guess but I have it good because I don't need elastics.

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 4:08 pm
by megz0501
Wow you guys are brave!
My sins:
1. I don't floss on the weekends, because I feel like I do it all week so why on the weekends?!
2. I stare at peoples teeth and wonder if they have had braces and think to myself that they should.
3. I get a bit angry when I see other people eating chewy candy!

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 9:38 pm
by Tyrantblade
While i thought i could stay away from the sugary, chewy, stretchy stuff we arent supposed to eat, i have ate some of that stuff a few times, though i eat that stuff really slow and last time i used a blender to cut licorice piecies really small.

I will try to get back to not eating any for a long time.

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:30 pm
by waltzpeony
i bite on potato chips, only to have swallow them later because they are too hard.

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:00 pm
by nats80
This thread is funny! It's made me feel a bit better about my fitting date in 8 days time!

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:18 pm
by Branwillaws
Don't sin too much or you might be like me and end up having a second surgery. Probably started chewing food a little to soon.

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 11:10 pm
by Beckett
I freely admit I'm a total rule follower. But I did break one last month and went to bed without my elastics. Things had shifted just enough to have brackets rubbing in new places (and it was a day of lots of talking and laughing which equals lots of friction) and I had to wax up about 8 teeth overnight so the inside of my mouth could get a break. My canines are often the sorest spots but I can't put wax on with elastics so I had to choose. I haven't broken any food rules yet because my teeth are just too sore to really bite into anything as hard as the off limits list.

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 1:39 am
by Bracingmyself33
I drink coffee daily.
I sometimes skip brushing my teeth after lunch.
I bite using my front teeth. They sometimes hurt but I can't be bothered.

:dance: :HugeGrin:

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 9:17 pm
by carrieann
I use whitening toothpaste almost every day. I haven't asked my ortho as I have heard it's a sin. I keep telling myself I'll quit soon.

Re: Confess your orthodontic sins.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:40 am
by kattiar
I worship coffee.
I use a whitening mouth rinse almost daily....and possibly a whitening toothpaste. Maybe. >.>
I only brush my teeth twice a day.
I don't floss my top back teeth because they're too hard to reach and I'm lazy.
Yet my dentist and ortho have been applauding my amazing oral hygiene. Bahahah. I have another checkup scheduled in a couple of weeks though so there is still time for this to backfire. In fact I'm pretty sure it will now that I've admitted to this. xD