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Re: Beware "Holistic" Dentists

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:09 pm
by iob
A research claim is made. sirwired's Pinocchio alarm goes off. Fact checking is conducted. Sirwired enters the forum, delivers the rebuttal (again), drops the mic, and walks off the stage. Beautiful.

Conclusion: If one enters the octagon (also known as the "Holistic Dentist Sticky Note forum"), come prepared.

Re: Beware "Holistic" Dentists

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 9:26 pm
by FixMyOpenBitePlz
Very interestig perspective on this. Thank youd sharing it

Re: Beware "Holistic" Dentists

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 11:53 pm
by McHobbit
Thanks god for the fluoride free toothpaste. I am allergic/hypersensitive to fluoride so I need to brush with SOMETHING. I have NOT gotten more cavities since I stopped using it. Less if anything. Nutrition and keeping the teeth clean seem to play a bigger part than fluoride. Cultures that eat zero processed food but don't use fluoride have better teeth than us. Not to say that fluoride doesn't work but hyper sensitively to it exists.

Now the holistic dentists? My god. I went to one once who tried to tell me that the eye teeth determine your mood so if you have a mouth full of bad teeth the eye teeth are to be fixed first. Lord in heaven, any decayed tooth would probably mess with your mood!

Re: Beware "Holistic" Dentists

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 7:50 pm
by phasesofbeauty
McHobbit wrote:Thanks god for the fluoride free toothpaste. I am allergic/hypersensitive to fluoride so I need to brush with SOMETHING. I have NOT gotten more cavities since I stopped using it. Less if anything. Nutrition and keeping the teeth clean seem to play a bigger part than fluoride. Cultures that eat zero processed food but don't use fluoride have better teeth than us. Not to say that fluoride doesn't work but hyper sensitively to it exists.

Now the holistic dentists? My god. I went to one once who tried to tell me that the eye teeth determine your mood so if you have a mouth full of bad teeth the eye teeth are to be fixed first. Lord in heaven, any decayed tooth would probably mess with your mood!
I think it is the sugar in our diets that rots the teeth. I have noticed that people from "primitive" cultures have the nicest teeth and have few cavity issues.

And I laughed so hard about the eye tooth determining your mood. I have heard of witch looks as though you have found yourself a "witch dentist".

Re: Beware "Holistic" Dentists

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 12:52 am
by McHobbit
Yeah, I didn't go back there again. That just sounded stupid and like something akin to the whole Humorism spiel from back in the day. So I ran. She was a "holistic" dentist but witch dentist seems more fitting. 100% agree on the sugar but I think it is processed food also. I'm trying to have very little of both. I do think that fluoride probably counteracts the effects of the sugar but it's not worth it for me with the sensitivity. The most important thing is that the teeth are cleaned and that I can do without fluoride.

Re: Beware "Holistic" Dentists

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 7:48 am
by krizzz
Some scientific proof/stats on "certain cultures having healthier teeth without dentists and regular brushing" ? Sounds like stereotype to me.

Re: Beware "Holistic" Dentists

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 7:35 pm
by MayBeautyFace
First Red flag: the use of the term "holistic" in relation to a medical service

Second Red flag: making absolute claims of success

Third Red flag: relating too opposites to each other without actual scientific evidence

Re: Beware "Holistic" Dentists

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 3:40 pm
by passport
[quote="jfriend33"]I do think that oil pulling is a neat idea, although I have never tried it.[/quote]

I know someone who believed in oil pulling and did it for a few years, thinking it could replace dentist visits. Not sure whether he wanted to save money, avoid "chemicals" at the dentist's, be more natural, or what. Now he's been told he needs a very expensive deep cleaning to remove the years of plaque. And his receding, inflamed gums will need their own treatment.

Re: Beware "Holistic" Dentists

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 8:07 pm
by jfriend33
passport wrote:
jfriend33 wrote:I do think that oil pulling is a neat idea, although I have never tried it.
I know someone who believed in oil pulling and did it for a few years, thinking it could replace dentist visits. Not sure whether he wanted to save money, avoid "chemicals" at the dentist's, be more natural, or what. Now he's been told he needs a very expensive deep cleaning to remove the years of plaque. And his receding, inflamed gums will need their own treatment.
Well yeah that was a little ignorant of them to do that. I meant as supplementary to prophy of course!

Re: Beware "Holistic" Dentists

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 4:00 am
by Skortho
I would never really fullt trust anything with holistic in it

Re: Beware "Holistic" Dentists

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 2:12 am
by Grix
Thanks for posting this, interesting read and I get my full set of braces in 1 week. At 35 I'm feeling nervous but confident my smile will improve and confidence will come through.

Re: Beware "Holistic" Dentists

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 1:36 pm
by ShiningCity
Though this is true, I think they'll only continue to grow more popular. With the internet, charlatans can easily find new people. Look at the whole organic food movement. It's probably become the third biggest religion in North America, despite have literally zero science to back up any concern over GMO. If you think a drought resistant tomato somehow magically causes cancer, why can't a filling magically cause diabetes? Anything is possible with magical thinking.

Re: Beware "Holistic" Dentists

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:10 pm
by Ruthio
Thankfully I've never heard of any dentist or Orthodontist in the UK making holistic claims. But if I do, I know what to do (ignore them).

Re: Beware "Holistic" Dentists

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:29 am
by AlfredoS
If the internet is anything to go by, their numbers are growing each day.

Re: Beware "Holistic" Dentists

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:30 am
by AlfredoS
[quote="MayBeautyFace"]First Red flag: the use of the term "holistic" in relation to a medical service

Second Red flag: making absolute claims of success

Third Red flag: relating too opposites to each other without actual scientific evidence[/quote]
4th red flag: Anything you see on youtube about alternative treatments