Braces and weight training.

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Braces and weight training.

#1 Post by SLR308 »

Hi all,

I've had my braces in for a few weeks now and what I notice as I'm lifting weights (or during the session) is that I can feel my teeth shifting around.

Does this rocket scientist or advance the process by any chance?

Also, I tend to apply force on the teeth (with tongue or fingers) pushing the teeth toward the archwire's shape, does this at all help speed up the process?


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Re: Braces and weight training.

#2 Post by EricRoyalOak »

I noticed the same things. I started to wear one a cheaper mouth guard that I can reshape or throw away and buy a new one cheaply. Also addressed my concerns with bitting down and mismatched teeth.

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Re: Braces and weight training.

#3 Post by SLR308 »

[quote=SLR308 post_id=508103 time=1571702035 user_id=32946]
Hi all,

I've had my braces in for a few weeks now and what I notice as I'm lifting weights (or during the session) is that I can feel my teeth shifting around.

Does this re-tard or advance the process by any chance?

Also, I tend to apply force on the teeth (with tongue or fingers) pushing the teeth toward the archwire's shape, does this at all help speed up the process?


lol, there must be a filter for the word that means the opposite of advance.


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Re: Braces and weight training.

#4 Post by coogbraces »

I lift weights too and I haven't noticed this, but I have trained myself to relax my whole face, especially my jaw, when squatting or deadlifting. Before you get an OTC guard, ask your orthodontist about one. Mine says they can stop progress on bite correction, but I only wanted one to sleep in and my weightlifting is just for fun I don't seriously train or anything. I feel like if you do actual contact sports they're necessary and your ortho may give you one then. If you've just gotten your brackets put on, your teeth are going to feel "wiggly" as they're doing most of their major movements right now. Don't worry too much that gritting your teeth will impair the process.

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Re: Braces and weight training.

#5 Post by SLR308 »

Cheers, I guess I can try learning to relax my face, the movement is more noticeable in the lower jaw but I also sense movement there at times when I open my mouth fully.

I won't get a mouth guard for weights nor do I have one for martial arts but we just keep our teeth clenched as required. All our moves are choreographed prior so we're aware when to clench. I've alerted everyone I train with that I can't clench my teeth properly as I have braces and to avoid hitting me in the face.
Apparently you can get mouthguards made for braces but they're not cheap.

You say you have a guard for sleeping, to prevent teeth grinding I assume? Wouldn't something like those invisaligns be good for that as they wouldn't hinder teeth correction?


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