Professionals with braces: thoughts or concerns?

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Re: Professionals with braces: thoughts or concerns?

#16 Post by nightowl12 »

I'm 24 and work in a corporate office - so far the only ones that have noticed are my close work-mates who I interact with daily. Most of them knew I was getting braces anyway. I think of it as I'm bettering myself (even with having to wear them for 2 years) and will feel better about myself after they are off. I only wish I would have gotten them on sooner!

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Re: Professionals with braces: thoughts or concerns?

#17 Post by samoorelaw »

To echo others here, I'm a lawyer in my second round of braces as an adult and no one cared before and no one cares now. I'm getting to the point where I don't even care anymore!
Braces removed for 3rd and final time July 14, 2016!!!!

Permanent 8 crowns front 8 teeth (upper) January 30, 2015

Braces removed again December 3, 2014!!

Partial braces re-installation September 25, 2014

Braces removed September 4, 2014!





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Re: Professionals with braces: thoughts or concerns?

#18 Post by JCloNY »

Ziggy wrote:Few people notice my braces. I have to give a lot of talks to groups and I just think braces on adults are commonplace these days. I agree with the other poster who said few people will notice your braces but everyone will remember a mouth full of crooked teeth. Go for it. BTW, clear bracket really help if you're concerned.

Well said! Crooked teeth are much more distracting than braces. I've actually used my braces to get extra portions of some food at the cafeteria on my sensitive days. #braces_sympathy :jump:
2-year sentence of clear top and bottom braces commencing March 23, 2016
November 2016 - Class III elastics (starts from the bottom canine and goes to the upper 1st molar) on both sides
December 2016 - Two front teeth filed (IPR?) to make space to close black triangle and a power chain; 4 front bottom ceramic brackets replaced with metal brackets to force the teeth straighter; 1 broken bottom molar bracket (courtesy of a Tootsie Roll craving);

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Re: Professionals with braces: thoughts or concerns?

#19 Post by metalliKa »

I see people all day long and no one cared or cares to comment on my braces. And if they do, it's usually out of curiosity for "how much and how long?". I had a little 9 month once that every time I show him my brace face, he giggles uncontrollably. It was rather cute!

If others don't seem to be bothered by our brace face, we shouldn't either.
Offenses: Skeletal and Dental Class 2 malocclusion
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Re: Professionals with braces: thoughts or concerns?

#20 Post by Khaleesi »

I've only just started my treatment so I've not yet had much opportunity to be judged, but so far very few of my colleagues have even noticed (I've got clear braces on the top six and metal on the bottom). Those who I've talked to about it seem to be interested more than anything.

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Re: Professionals with braces: thoughts or concerns?

#21 Post by 40withbracesUK »

I'm going to go against the grain and say no, it's not all plain sailing. I am in the UK, so we don't have the same approach to orthodontics as our American friends. I am 40 and have full metal braces. People do notice, many pretend not to but you know they've clocked them. After a while it doesn't bother you and you forget about it. Sometimes it does bother you and you feel like a bit of a tool. However as someone else said further up thread; it's only really a big deal for you. Other folk don't really care what you look like. I find a bright red lipstick and an attitude can carry you through most public-facing situations :tingrin:

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Re: Professionals with braces: thoughts or concerns?

#22 Post by Nolaterals »

I think we are always more aware of our own issues. Chances are that other people won't notice, won't care, or both.

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Re: Professionals with braces: thoughts or concerns?

#23 Post by Khaleesi »

Sorry to bump an old thread - I recently had a job interview with my braces that I was really worried about (very crusty, formal institution and I look younger than I am anyway, so I was worried I wouldn't be taken seriously). I got offered the job, so it just goes to show that they needn't be an obstacle. I've also given a few TV interviews in the meantime (I'm a researcher) and on watching the replays after, they really are barely noticeable.

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Re: Professionals with braces: thoughts or concerns?

#24 Post by MikeLewis »

Some years ago, at age 33, I got braces and had them for 2 years. I am an attorney, and although I felt just a slight tinge of embarrasment at first, my braces eventually became a non-issue. People comment at first, because they are not used to seeing you with braces, but after less than a week, they dont even seem to notice. I suggest getting the clear braces for at least your top teeth, and keeping them very clean. That will limit the visibility of them.

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Re: Professionals with braces: thoughts or concerns?

#25 Post by farmboy »

Has anyone had experience with appliances beyond just brackets? I've had my braces for about three weeks and I'm due to have a tongue crib installed next week (I should already be wearing the tongue crib, but I decided to put it off two more weeks so I could enjoy one last Thanksgiving unemcumbered).

I'm new to a fairly large company, so I'm still meeting people for the first time every day, and I do wonder what first impressions might be like if the tongue crib causes a speech impediment.

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Re: Professionals with braces: thoughts or concerns?

#26 Post by arraye »

I'm in academia and talk a lot to people/will be giving presentations (when I'm not sat alone in the office hunched over my computer that is!) and I haven't decided if I'm going to forewarn everyone in advance, or just get them on and see who notices! I'm mostly worried that I'll look like a teenager again and won't be taken seriously...

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Re: Professionals with braces: thoughts or concerns?

#27 Post by Khaleesi »

arraye wrote:I'm in academia and talk a lot to people/will be giving presentations (when I'm not sat alone in the office hunched over my computer that is!) and I haven't decided if I'm going to forewarn everyone in advance, or just get them on and see who notices! I'm mostly worried that I'll look like a teenager again and won't be taken seriously...
I don't think you'll have an issue. One of my students recently said 'oh, you have braces, did you just get them? How are you finding the adaptation?'. I'd had them for six months at that point...

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Re: Professionals with braces: thoughts or concerns?

#28 Post by znkbraces »

I work in a corporate setting and see some people with braces and its no big.
confidence is key.

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Re: Professionals with braces: thoughts or concerns?

#29 Post by js6js6 »

I’m considering braces again as a 32-year old male…and I’m not going to lie, this has been my biggest concern. My coworkers pride themselves on their “snarkyness”…it can get pretty vicious.

It definitely helps to see all of those who have had positive experiences though! I find it hard to believe that I wouldn’t get stares with braces as an adult guy…but I guess maybe the other 99% of the population who doesn’t have braces on the mind regularly like we do doesn’t focus on these things as much.

It’s a daunting concept, but every day I inch closer to taking the plunge!

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Re: Professionals with braces: thoughts or concerns?

#30 Post by djspeece »

You'll find that most people won't even notice that you have braces, and really don't care. I was fortunate that I didn't have to endure comments from co-workers, who were mildly interested but had other things to be concerned with as I was the project lead. On occasion I would get some semi-snarky comment from a stranger seeking to know why I got braces at my age (62 at the time), and I liked to respond "Well, I want to have the nicest smile in the cemetery." Most of them just were confused at that point but it shut them up. It's hard to fight nasty/rude comments, probably the best thing is to just smile widely and not let anyone know it's bothering you. Depending on the level of desired snarkiness, maybe a response along the lines of "Well your sister sure doesn't mind" would work or start a war.

What is even more amazing to me is that after 3 years of braces, my team and other co-workers did not even notice that my braces had been removed. Even when smiling widely or laughing... I was of course fishing for complements on how great my teeth looked :roll: but again, braces were no big deal. Best of luck to you.

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