Food - what are you eating (or not)?

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Food - what are you eating (or not)?

#1 Post by 40withbracesUK »

So I've been in Damon braces for about 4 weeks now and slowly getting the hang of what I can and can't eat; especially in public...

At home its easy enough to retreat to the bathroom for a wee clean-up with the old Water Pik (my bessie mate). However in public its a different story all together. One awful recent experience involving a ham sandwich and work colleagues in the canteen sticks out in particular, with me trying to hide all the gunk in my teeth by mumbling behind a tea cup! I'm rather dreading any suggestions for a team lunch in a more salubrious establishment!

What are you finding impossible to get your brackets around and would recommend for desk-based lunches or public consumption?

Clean Foods
Rice cakes
Baked potato

Messy No No
Anything with rice

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Re: Food - what are you eating (or not)?

#2 Post by ChewyBacca »

Clean Foods
Protein shake
Boiled eggs (:FeelSick: for the rest of the office)
Scrambled eggs
Mashed potato

Messy No No
Cheese toastie
Bread generally

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Re: Food - what are you eating (or not)?

#3 Post by NeilH »

Don't worry, you will soon find that you can pretty much eat anything with very little evidence left afterwards. I also found it useful to have a glass of water whilst eating.

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Re: Food - what are you eating (or not)?

#4 Post by scopus »

i thought going into this thread was going to be what you cant eat because of pain, which imo is a valid reason not so much if its messy. i think best to enjoy whatever you want,screw what other people think and most likely noone is noticing but you, the more you try to cover up the more awkward you will look. As far as keeping it clean while eating swish water in ur mouth and swallow every now and then, and to get rid of chunks that cant get out that way, after eating take a trip to the bathroom with an interdental brush, which i find very effective.

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Re: Food - what are you eating (or not)?

#5 Post by jfriend33 »

Eat fast and excuse yourself to the bathroom. Use a proxabrush if you don't have a portable water flosser.

Heavy rinsing can also help but I have survived thanks to plackers angled brushes.

I am not eating any candy. I also stopped drinking caramel machiattos and transitioned from splenda to splenda stevia mix then straight stevia in my coffee with heavy cream. I will continue this after debonding.

I don't have any pain, I feel like my high motivation has altered my perception of pain. In fact I'm only in discomfort for a day or two post adjustment. This isn't anything like it was 20 yrs ago.

Beef Jerky I do eat and just run it through a food processor for a bit to make it edible lol.

How can u guys not eat rice?! That's the easiest to clean for me!

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Re: Food - what are you eating (or not)?

#6 Post by Gerbera »


I eat anything. Things like bread do get stuck, but it's nothing a swish of water won't sort out.


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Re: Food - what are you eating (or not)?

#7 Post by kip »

I'm eating pretty much everything after nearly 3 weeks braced apart from super sticky and super hard things. As long as things are in small pieces and I don't have to use my front teeth then I'm fine!

I do find eating rice and fish immensely irritating as it lines my braces and I find it uncomfortable to eat. It's annoying because fish is my main protein source as I'm not a big meat eater!

I chose poorly on my first public eating experience recently with braces too and very much regretted ham hock pasta. It took 10 minutes in the restaurant bathroom to unhook all the ham hock from around my brackets!

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Re: Food - what are you eating (or not)?

#8 Post by scopus »

kip wrote:I'm eating pretty much everything after nearly 3 weeks braced apart from super sticky and super hard things. As long as things are in small pieces and I don't have to use my front teeth then I'm fine!

I do find eating rice and fish immensely irritating as it lines my braces and I find it uncomfortable to eat. It's annoying because fish is my main protein source as I'm not a big meat eater!

I chose poorly on my first public eating experience recently with braces too and very much regretted ham hock pasta. It took 10 minutes in the restaurant bathroom to unhook all the ham hock from around my brackets!
interesting, i find fish one of the easiest things to eat as dont really need to chew it. most soft foods like fish just stick in the back of my mouth and sort of squash it. Rice can def get annoying though getting stuck everywhere. a month or so in can finally start to eat most things pain free, except the real hard stuff, and ofcorse popcorn ah i miss!

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Re: Food - what are you eating (or not)?

#9 Post by mandla »

I eat lots of porridge, rice, pap, chicken livers, salmon, pumpkin and mash potatoes. I like spinach but leaves gets stuked in the wires.

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Re: Food - what are you eating (or not)?

#10 Post by jaime »

After a few weeks to a few months, you'll be able to eat most things just fine. I don't know what happens, but one day I realized food didn't really get stuck anymore for me.

I do find that spinach and rice are the worst, as well as bread. But I always have water when I eat and a few swishes dislodges most food.
SARPE: December 19, 2013
Expander out/TPA in: May 13th, 2014
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Re: Food - what are you eating (or not)?

#11 Post by Lucyinthesky »

For the first few days I stuck to soft foods like potato and eggs because of the pain and i was afraid of knocking the brackets off (soon realised how sturdy they are!) but after a few weeks I was able to eat pretty much anything.

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