Does Gum level readjust?

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Does Gum level readjust?

#1 Post by oldfart »

The hieght of my molars with two gold crowns is being adjusted with elastics. Right now there is a gap between the base of the crown and my gum level. Will the level of the gums readjust to match the new height of these teeth? Just worried about the exposed part of the tooth under/below the crown.

just being paranoid,

Braces on: 2/25/2013. Braces Off: 12/23/2015
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Re: Does Gum level readjust?

#2 Post by sirwired »

No; generally the quantity of gum you have stays fairly constant. The supporting bone (and therefore the gum) does not extend (or retract) to "cling" to the tooth. Talk to your general dentist; he may be able to do something about the "ledge".

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Re: Does Gum level readjust?

#3 Post by isthistaken »

I've been concerned about this as well, whether moving the teeth would exacerbate recession. My general dentist said no, it would actually help. But I don't really trust him. :(

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Re: Does Gum level readjust?

#4 Post by sirwired »

isthistaken wrote:I've been concerned about this as well, whether moving the teeth would exacerbate recession. My general dentist said no, it would actually help. But I don't really trust him. :(
When a dentist says "recession" he's referring to the mm of supporting bone; that doesn't inherently change with an intrusion/extrusion, even if it's not at the same level on the tooth as it used to be.

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Re: Does Gum level readjust?

#5 Post by EricRoyalOak »

My crowns were also slightly raised and the gums seemed to adjust with them. I was also concerned with this issue as one of those crowns was a bicuspid and the line would have been visable whenI talked or smiled.

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Re: Does Gum level readjust?

#6 Post by isthistaken »

I have mucho crowns and I asked if I would need those redone to fit my bite after ortho (hoping NOT of course since it would cost about 10 grand.) The answer was kind of vague, something about crowns getting old and needing replacing anyway, although most of mine are less than five years old. Why are teeth so fragile? ARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH I like having teeth but it is like pulling teeth to keep them all intact.

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Re: Does Gum level readjust?

#7 Post by shiiiion »

My teeth between my upper canines are kind of set low right now (had my braces put on 4days ago). I was worried that my smile after braces would appear "gummy" but my orthodontist assured me that once those teeth move upward my smile would actually appear less gummy.

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