Developing a gummy smile

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Developing a gummy smile

#1 Post by yoginbraces »

I have been in braces for almost a year and have been wearing super strength elastics for about 6 months. I started noticing my smile becoming more gummy several months ago but thought it was just my obsessing over every detail concerning my smile but I am beginning to notice it more and more. I plan to bring it to the my orthodontist's attention at my next appt in 3 weeks but I'm just wondering has anyone noticed their smile developing a more gummy appearance?

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Re: Developing a gummy smile

#2 Post by BracedSurgeryStudent »

develping? I've hAD one a HUGE one too like an inch worth of gums shows :( It's nothing to be alarmed of esp since It's not as bad as mine ;) Count yer blessings
Jenn Medeiros

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