Got 'em today

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Steph in Sac
Posts: 160
Joined: Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:18 pm

Got 'em today

#1 Post by Steph in Sac »

I got clear braces on my lower teeth today. I am 36 and had full metal braces from 13-16. The bottom teeth have just crowded over the years and I couldn't stand looking at them anymore.

So far, so good. My mouth is sore, of course. I like the clear braces. I am only bothered that the clear ligatures may get stained with my favorites--coffee and red wine. It was offered that I can visit them every 2 weeks for a change of ligatures.

I was very excited to get these and then was nervous this morning. I have no regrets...yet. :lol:

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#2 Post by ana »

Congrats on your new braces!!!

I got mine 2 days ago, only lowers just like you. I have metal though.
So far so good. Of course the wax helps. The only challenge right now is eating, as I still can't stand to chew anything. I've been sticking to soup these first few days.
But it does get better with time. I feel a huge difference from the first day already :)

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#3 Post by TigerLily »

Grey or smoke ligs may help with staining.

My ortho uses wire ligatures (tie wires) because of staining and I've been happy with them. But after I mentioned what people say about grey and smoke ligs on archwired in response to my power chains which got stained, she's ordered some of them in.

Steph in Sac
Posts: 160
Joined: Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:18 pm

#4 Post by Steph in Sac »

Congrats on your braces too! I have been sticking to a liquid diet until today. I tried soft mac-n-cheese for lunch. It worked out OK. I brushed immediately after and noticed one of my back ligs is already yellowish! It was either the cheese or the white tea I had last night. I may opt for pearl next time. (or the smoke ones you mentioned)

I am sore and flossing about killed me. I am happy though. I talked to another mom at my daughter's school today for a few minutes. She offered me a snack and when I declined due to by new braces, she looked surprised. She didn't even know I had them on. Now, those are good braces! :wink:

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