I'm just going to have to roll with some words and laugh - they thuck!

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I'm just going to have to roll with some words and laugh - they thuck!

#1 Post by iob »

So, I'm probably like most lingual wearers: Panic day 1 because of how ridiculous you sound and the fear that you've maybe made a terrible mistake. Then you improve - a lot - but you're still a bit self-conscious and worry about gotcha words. Then you've probably got it 95% mastered and get to the point that you don't care any more and can laugh at yourself with certain words that will probably always get you. I'm there now, and must just be easily entertained at this point.

It's funny, but it's not words like "Mississippi" or "sensitive" that get me.

It's words like "physicists" in the rainbow passage (really, who the hell came up with that word?), and really any plural word with an "rs" combo, like "horses" or "purses."

My son had some Greek mythology homework and we both cracked up when I said "Perseus." Who knew? Thankfully, "Narcissus" didn't come up, and he's too young for Ulysses....but Joyce sucks anyway with or without a lisp.

Hopefully everyone else gets past the angst stage and into the "it's kinda funny at this point" stage. Maybe it's our version of the ceramic braces wearer saying "screw it...I'm tired of worrying about staining my clear, oh-so-discreet ligs...I'm going cobalt blue!"

What's the last word that cracked you up? Or, like I said above, have I just become easily entertained?

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Re: I'm just going to have to roll with some words and laugh - they thuck!

#2 Post by Startedout »

Oh my god the word "just" I have turbos so I can't close my mouth all the way with my I braces so that word always sound nuts to me.

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