Bit of a headache/Really need some advice!

Discussions relating to Lingual Braces (behind-the-teeth) only, such as iBraces and LingualCare.

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Bit of a headache/Really need some advice!

#1 Post by Hobbs »

Alright, I'm 19 years old and just moved to a new city for school far away from home.
I have a minor underbite and crossbite and my top teeth are 'moderately crooked'
The orthodontist I seen when I was a child put off me getting braces or my bite fixed until I was older because he believed the crowding/bite might fix itself (no clue why)
My top teeth aren't too crooked, just a bit crowded, bottom teeth are perfectly straight, however my bite is bad (jaw cracks) and i'm a mouth breather which sucks.
ANYWAYS here's my dilemma, the orthodontist back home told me he could fix my bite with bands and regular braces and it would take 18 months.
We didnt go through with the procedure just because I was leaving for school in 3 months and he and my parents both agreed it'd be better to find a orthodontist who can stick with me for the full duration.
So I just got back from seeing the ortho here and he says that I will need braces, for two and a half years and jaw surgery half way through??
This is extremely upsetting, since jaw surgery sounds extremely terrifying, he said that it wouldnt require my jaw being wired shut or anything but itd take 3 weeks to heal and the braces would have to be on for 2.5 years.
These are both completely different opinions and I dont know who to trust!
Also he mentioned I could go with Lingual braces but they're $14,000 as regular braces/ceramic braces are $8,500
He's located in a really fancy office downtown, do you think these prices are extreme or average?
My previous orthodontist gave us a cost of only $5000 - $6,500
Anyways, if anyone has any experience with underbite/crossbite, jaw surgery, incognito/Ibraces or different ortho opinions please give me your advice!

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