Over Correction With Elastics?

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Over Correction With Elastics?

#1 Post by MMMom »

I have two kids who just got their brackets on this year. They put elastics on my son although I thought his bite looked just fine. He wore his elastics faithfully - I never saw him without them. He started developing a lisp and when he went in for his 6 week check up, the ortho doctor yelled at him for not wearing his bands and now he has developed an open bite. We insisted that he wore them 24-7 but the ortho said this kind of bite only happens when the bands are not worn consistently. My son is SO upset that 1) his diligent work was for nothing and 2) the doctor was essentially calling us liars. If he was not wearing the bands consistently, I would assume that there would be little progress made - not too much. Am I washed up on this?

My question is...is an over correction like this common? Any resources pointing to this? Thanks.

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