Nickel Allergy Can Cause Asthma

If your child is in any stage of orthodontic treatment, this is a place to connect with other parents in your situation. Please note: this is a forum for adults only -- kids may not post here!

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Nickel Allergy Can Cause Asthma

#1 Post by bbsadmin »

I wanted to share this email I received recently from a reader, who will remain anonymous. The person who sent this email raises some good points about nickel allergy. If you don't know that you are allergic to nickel before you get braces put on, it could cause mysterious reactions.

Allergies can develop over time. But the good news is: if you are allergic to nickel or latex, your orthodontist can give you alternate brackets or elastics that will not cause an allergic reaction.

If you ever suspect an allergy to nickel, latex, or any other substance in your braces or retainers, contact your orthodontist and also your GP or your allergist.

I am shocked that this person's allergist dismissed a link between her daughter's illness and her braces. Nickel allergy can be quite common. Sometimes, like this reader, you must go on your "gut feeling" if you feel that you aren't getting the right answers. Always get more than one opinion!


HI I found your site after I have been trying to reasearch a link between braces and asthma . You see my daughter had braces in the third grade and was sick as heck. I took her to an allergist who didn't want to hear it when I told her the braces were what was making her sick. She went on to tell me how so many of her patients have braces probaly because they are mouth breathers.

After numerous ear and sinus infections and a huge mouth ulcer I demanded her braces be removwed even though no one would agree with me. Her color in her cheeks returned to normal that very night. She was so pale the entire year.

Fast forward to the sixth grade. After being begged to get braces again I agreed. Well here we are again back on the inhaler. And even worse the nebulizer, Augmenten, and steriods. Missing two weeks of school and acute broncialspasms. 5 doctors appointments later and I am now convinced there is a link with the braces. I demanded to know the ingredients of the retainers my daughters had been wearing.

Oh did I mention that one day she called me from school to tell me it felt like her throat was closing -- could she take them [the braces] out? Well you should find out more about the nickel that my dentist admitted were in the braces and retainers.

I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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