Expander causing ear pressure

If your child is in any stage of orthodontic treatment, this is a place to connect with other parents in your situation. Please note: this is a forum for adults only -- kids may not post here!

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Expander causing ear pressure

#1 Post by Jrg1221 »

Is it common to have ear pressure after having an expander and braces put in? If so, is there a way to relieve the discomfort?

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Re: Expander causing ear pressure

#2 Post by bbsadmin »

I'm not a dentist, but my first thought is that your jaw muscles might be sore from clenching or whatever, causing the feeling of pressure in your ears. If it continues, ask your dentist or orthodontist.
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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Re: Expander causing ear pressure

#3 Post by Lester »


Yes, it's not uncommon to feel some pressure in the ear after the installation of an expander and braces. This sensation may be due to the adjustment of your oral structure. To alleviate the discomfort, you can try chewing gum or swallowing to balance the pressure.

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