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29 - Braces Journey (terrified)

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:54 am
by Steph30
Hello - Just wanted to keep an update going as reading everyone elses has really helped me have some courage. My name is Stephanie, i'm a single mom to a 6 year old boy and I've wanted braces all my life... I spent the last 2 years saving my down payment and will have monthly payments for the rest of my braces as I have no ortho coverage through my extended health.

Main issues - crowding in my uppers and overbite (Can't see my lowers when my bite is locked) - I have TMJ.. most of my desire for braces was for cosmetic reasons but I would love if my TMJ improved (I wake up with a very sore fatigued jaw everyday - and it gets fatigued and painful, pops, clicks.. locks often) Ortho did say this may not improve and she cant guarantee it wont get worse too. Shes seen it go both ways. I also have a narrow smile... just hoping for overall confident smile :)

However! I'm terrified... I talk a lot at both of my jobs, I need a bite plate which ive heard is horrendous.. Any advice on adjusting to this appliance is much appreciated!

I get braced on Tuesday and it's coming super fast - i'll post some pictures of my teeth (embarrassing! :shock: ) I will be getting ceramic uppers and metal lowers (In Ovation brand) - I have read a lot of people regret getting ceramic? If you have ceramic or had ceramic and you are happy with your decision please let me know, I'm a bit panicked about that. My time frame is 20-24 months but I have a huge hope its more like 18 months as I will be in my sisters wedding Sept 2018. Pipe dreams lol

Thanks for reading!


Re: 29 - Braces Journey (terrified)

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 10:45 am
by Prometheus
Hi Steph, No reason to be terrified, while they will take a little time to get used to them, you will adjust. It took me about two weeks to feel at ease with them. While I don't have a bite plate, I have bite turbos glued to the back of my upper incisors, and it took a little bit of practice to get used to speaking with them. I too do a lot of speaking on the job, I give lectures to audiences of hundreds of folks. On the occasion I mess up a word, I just slowly repeat myself and move on, no big deal. Never had a negative comment about them either, most are just curious. As for the TMJD issue, I actually am doing this to fix a bad cross bite that was the cause of my horrible TMJD, so I don't see why your ortho thinks things won't improve on that front, a proper bite should give your TMJs a break. As for the ceramic uppers and metal lowers, the metal ones are definitely smaller, so it may take a bit more effort to adapt to the bulkier ceramics, but again, give it two or three weeks and you will largely forget they are different. The ceramics are much less obvious in photographs taken from more than a couple of feet away. To quote the late Douglas Adams, "Don't panic"!, you'll be fine. -P

Re: 29 - Braces Journey (terrified)

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 1:00 pm
by Steph30
Prometheus wrote:Hi Steph, No reason to be terrified, while they will take a little time to get used to them, you will adjust. It took me about two weeks to feel at ease with them. While I don't have a bite plate, I have bite turbos glued to the back of my upper incisors, and it took a little bit of practice to get used to speaking with them. I too do a lot of speaking on the job, I give lectures to audiences of hundreds of folks. On the occasion I mess up a word, I just slowly repeat myself and move on, no big deal. Never had a negative comment about them either, most are just curious. As for the TMJD issue, I actually am doing this to fix a bad cross bite that was the cause of my horrible TMJD, so I don't see why your ortho thinks things won't improve on that front, a proper bite should give your TMJs a break. As for the ceramic uppers and metal lowers, the metal ones are definitely smaller, so it may take a bit more effort to adapt to the bulkier ceramics, but again, give it two or three weeks and you will largely forget they are different. The ceramics are much less obvious in photographs taken from more than a couple of feet away. To quote the late Douglas Adams, "Don't panic"!, you'll be fine. -P
Thank you for the encouragement! :D

Re: 29 - Braces Journey (terrified)

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 6:51 am
by BlondeCam
Good morning! I'll weigh in on the ceramics :) My uppers are ceramics, lower metal. Agree completely that while bulkier, absolutely no regrets ;)

Re: 29 - Braces Journey (terrified)

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 12:29 am
by Lovelyteeth
I was terrified too but a year in I forget these things are on my teeth. I've got full metal and they are self ligating so while the bracket is smaller they are pretty obvious. I started a new job at a boys high school so was very self conscious but now I don't care one bit. It's funny when I bump into an old friend who hasn't seen me with them on and I realise they are looking at my teeth. When you start seeing results which will be pretty soon you will be so glad you did this. I have no regrets. I just posted an updated pic and when I look at my teeth now compared to before I still have to pinch myself. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner.

Re: 29 - Braces Journey (terrified)

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 11:08 am
by Steph30
Lovelyteeth wrote:I was terrified too but a year in I forget these things are on my teeth. I've got full metal and they are self ligating so while the bracket is smaller they are pretty obvious. I started a new job at a boys high school so was very self conscious but now I don't care one bit. It's funny when I bump into an old friend who hasn't seen me with them on and I realise they are looking at my teeth. When you start seeing results which will be pretty soon you will be so glad you did this. I have no regrets. I just posted an updated pic and when I look at my teeth now compared to before I still have to pinch myself. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner.

Ahh thank you! I did see your updates your progress has been great! I'm sure time will fly by... It's so nice to have this message board to relate to other people experiencing this. :D

Re: 29 - Braces Journey (terrified)

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 7:55 pm
by Steph30
BlondeCam wrote:Good morning! I'll weigh in on the ceramics :) My uppers are ceramics, lower metal. Agree completely that while bulkier, absolutely no regrets ;)
Good to know!!

Re: 29 - Braces Journey (terrified)

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 2:40 pm
by Steph30

I just had my braces applied.. I want to quickly just update before I forget how it went for me...

My appt was at 10:45 and its now 2:30... I want to say... it was a bit harder for me for the application process than I thought it would be from reading other peoples experiences. They put this weird device in my mouth that sucks out the spit.. and holds your tongue back to keep things completely dry while applying the brackets... and it made my mouth feel so claustrophobic... I almost panicked a bit actually... Felt like I was choking and my mouth was sooo full.. and I just... was focusing on my breathing and everything so I didn't lose it... But I'll be extremely honest. It was a lot for me to handle. haha. They actually applied the brackets all at once... which I also thought was weird.. in a mouth guard type device. So at one point during the application... I had.. two mouth guards, two pieces of cardboard... that weird sucking device that hold your tongue back.. fingers and tools in my mouth. Looooord. I think I must have a bad gag reflex..

My mouth felt extremely weird... but I Feel like its already somewhat used to the braces being in there.. I have tightness and some pain in my back molars and jaw already.. I havnt attempted to eat yet.. I had a big breakfast. I'll say this.... I HATE MY BITE PLATE,.. I think i was emotionally prepared for my braces.. I was not emotionally prepared for the bite plate... It feels huge in my mouth.. I cant talk... If i think about the bite plate at all I start to gag... the "s" sound makes me gag a bit too... so I am a hot mess... TRYING to stay positive but I was really struggling with this at the ortho's office.. I begged her to let me make my next appt without the bite plate in because I was too embarrassed to talk to the front desk girl.. I am extremely self conscious about talking to people.. I don't even want to call my mom to let her know how things went... if anyone has any advice or encouragement about the bite plate I would love to hear it :(

I have a feeling the pain will continue to get worse... Hoping pain killers will be enough for that and I can get an okay amount of sleep... im very greatful I don't work tomorrow and hope my son doesnt laugh at my speech too much when I pick him up in an hour..

I keep having moments of.. why did I do this to myself... But I know deep down I will be sooo happy in the end or even in a few months when things become more natural.. Hoping I don't hide too much away from people and just suck it up and get on with things.... Inner struggles!..

Re: 29 - Braces Journey (terrified)

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 7:55 pm
by Steph30

Re: 29 - Braces Journey (terrified)

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 7:35 am
by Steph30
Updating again...

Oh man, I'm only day 2... and I definetly have the hit in the face feeling. Trying to keep Tylenol and Advil in my system around the clock. But I'm still super uncomfortable. I just took my bite plate out this morning for a break to drink my coffee in peace and I felt like I was ripping my teeth out with it! Yikes,.. I kept 2 Advil beside by bed and ended up taking it at 10 pm... I was starting to feel a deep ache in my molars. This morning at 5 am woke up in quite a bit of pain ... took 2 more Advil and swished my mouth with hot water... woke up at 7 still in pain so I just took Tylenol... mouth feels almost itchy too... not sure if anyone experienced that. Maybe it's the irritation on my cheeks and gums.

I know this will ease up in a few days. Going to keep meds in me constantly for the pain.. now to figure out what I can eat because I can't connect my teeth to chew. I made hamburgers soup for food and cut veggies up small and yesterday managed to swallow that whole bite it was miserable.. could try and blend it I guess... but that's not appealing either.

One day at a time !!

Re: 29 - Braces Journey (terrified)

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 5:57 pm
by Steph30
What my mouth looks like closed (teeth don't connect)

Re: 29 - Braces Journey

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 9:27 am
by Steph30
Day 2 (night) - I took advil and Tylenol PM and put both beside my bed expecting to wake up in the night again in agony... but to my surprise I didn't need to redose myself.. and only just took more advil about half hour ago (0900). So happy about that!... I am finding the bite guard at night really helpful.. I used to clench at night and I have a very deep bite and I woke up with tension headaches every morning and a sore jaw... and fingers crossed, I think the bite plate has taken those away!... I still struggle to talk with it... and I actually cried this morning a bit about my braces because my son (whos 6) did not want me walking him onto the playground :( He was embarrassed and wanted me to stay in the car... Ugh.. broke my heart a bit.. Maybe he wasn't really thinking about what he said.. or maybe he wanted to be independent and it was just an excuse.. who knows but it did hurt my feelings.

My cheeks are getting raw and the roof of my mouth has scratches in it from removing my bite plate.. but.. other than that... I feel pretty good, teeth are sore and anything hot really makes that worse because the wires are heat activated.. - lips are chapped and chapstick is my best friend... I also LOVE using the waterpik with warm water.. feels so good one my teeth and gums.. I hate eating because I hate feeling so much food trapped around my braces (I cant chew .. so food gets swallowed whole) .. Liquidy oatmeal, protein shakes ( I used carnation instant breakfast, strawberry.. with a banana and vanilla greek yogurt/2cups of spinach) - I also blenderized some hamburger soup I made... looked like baby food but it tasted good - until the texture started to make me heave haha... OH MAN.. this has been quite the adjustment. How many more months do I have? :lol: :wink:

Re: 29 - Braces Journey (terrified)

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:00 am
by Steph30
Day 4 - No Painkillers yet today! The job of cleaning these teeth is.. daunting, I haven't been able to floss or use my sonicare brush because my teeth just hurt.. wayyyy too much. I use my proxabrush, waterpik, fluoride rinse (before bed), and a sensitive toothbrush... rinse my mouth after everything I eat and brush if I can. Living off of smoothies and oatmeal and soup... I wouldn't be able to bite anything with the way my mouth feels, but I couldn't chew regardless because my molars don't connect anywhere in my mouth, even with my pesky biteguard out. How long until my molars erupt more to touch?.... I want a burger! :cry:

Re: 29 - Braces Journey (terrified)

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 3:26 pm
by Steph30
Day 5 - I know I'm updating a lot!... my mouth is still really painful - not an all out, deep, cant stand this pain... but super irritating. My bite guard makes the pain more intense... and when it's in I find myself completely pushing my lower jaw forward to try and get comfortable.... All of my molars have this strange ache.. almost feels itchy.. or when you get something stuck in your tooth and then irritate it a lot trying to get it out.. like that kind of throbbing. I broke down and put some wax on my back upper molars because I thought some of the pain may be related to gum irritation.. I'm getting cranky about this but I know it should ease up soon... I'm constantly hungry and swallowing food whole is getting really annoying. It WILL be worth it.. But I am aggravated. :-+

Re: 29 - Braces Journey (terrified)

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 2:08 am
by atrixa
Hi Steph, don't worry, this shouldn't go on for too much longer now you're at the 5 day point. I'd never heard of a bite plate before, are they for a different purpose than those bumpers/bite turbos or whatever they're called?

Oh, go nuts with the wax as well. I currently have a huge cut on the inside of my lip and it's going nowhere fast.

Soft foods I like: yogurt, hummus, creamy desserts, smoothies, blended soups, porridge.