My Journey to a NiceSmile

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

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My Journey to a NiceSmile

#1 Post by NiceSmile »

Hi there! I'm a 36 year old mom from GA and I finally got braces. I decided I want to keep track of my journey to a new smile and I hope you don't mind my sharing.

I've had an overjet as long as I can remember. As a kid, my parents spoke to the dentists we used and none felt that I needed braces. My mom thought they were crazy since my smile is like hers, but she kept asking.

I've never really liked my smile and I absolutely hate my profile because of my overjet (7mm) and 2 front teeth being "flared". I'd talked about getting braces but never did anything about it until my middle son was sent for an ortho eval for a spacer for a tooth that had to be pulled. I felt very self conscious as I was sitting there and decided it was now or never to ask about it.

I met with 3 orthodontists who all agreed that I'd need upper and lower braces and that what I really needed was corrective jaw surgery. As I met with the oral surgeon, they confirmed that I'd need lower jaw extension and most likely my upper jaw would need to be lifted (because my smile is about 1 -2 mm "too gummy"). THey'd have to pull my lower "deeply impacted" wisdom teeth at the same time. The oral surgeon also talked about a chin implant because apparently my chin is too small too. (wow...if I didn't feel flawed before I walked in there, I sure did walking out!) Long story short, I understand that "perfection" would come with surgery, but I have various reasons (including some anaphalactic allergies) that made me decide this was really more than I can do at this point in my life. I won't be perfect, but I'll take improved. To be honest, closing my mouth without difficulty would be awesome!

Anwyay, they all agreed that the next best option was to do some extractions and take a camoflauge approach. My profile won't be perfect, but will be better. I chose the orthodontist where I felt most comfortable with him and his staff. The plan is that we put clear on the top and metal on bottom a few months later.

I had the brackets bonded on Tues - 12/18. The oral surgeon will do my 2 extractions on the Jan 3rd. Assuming I don't need a bone graft, my archwire will go on Jan 7th. If I do have to have a bone graft, it'll be 6 weeks later. I'm not sure why we did the brackets first, but I dont' mind. It's helping me avoid all that holiday junk food and I"m starting to get used to them.

As soon as I figure out how, I'll post the pix from my records appointment. :)

Thanks for sharing my journey!

Posts: 57
Joined: Fri Dec 07, 2007 3:49 pm


#2 Post by KateinCO »

Welcome to Archwired, NiceSmile!!

I am also 36, and just got my braces (metal upper and lower) on 6 December! It sounds like you have found a good orthodontist, which is very important when you are entrusting that person with something as important as your smile! I like that you were able to develop a treatment plan that suits your situation! Correcting your bite will pay huge dividends in terms of your long-term health... and I know what you mean about the plus side of staying away from all the holiday cookies and cakes! (I still feel really self-conscious about eating in front of people, and I don't in between meals at all because of the who dental hygiene requirement!) :roll:

I have been amazed at how much easier it gets once you get used to having all that stuff in your mouth. It seems like the treatment stretches out before you, but then you get back to your life, and poof! another few weeks have passed, and you're that much closer to your goal.

I hope your extractions will work out well, and that you won't need that bone graft... looking forward to keeping up with your story!! Congrats on getting started!!


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#3 Post by NiceSmile »

Ok...we're moving along now. Last Thurs (1/3/08) I had my 2 teeth pulled. That wasn't so bad. I've had some tenderness around the extraction site. Not dry socket. Salt water rinse helps and it's getting better.

Today they put the archwire and power chains on to close the gap. Fortunately, the gaps aren't that bad. I go back on the 28th for my next adjustment.

I finally scanned my pix from my records appointment, but have had some issues with the imageshack site.

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Joined: Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:59 pm
Location: ATLANTA GA


Just thought I would say hi :wink:

I too am in GA and I have had my braces going on 4 months now :wink:

I love it site and everyone on here is super great :D

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