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Hawley wire pressing on gum line

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 9:01 pm
by RS27
Hi all,

Are Hawley wires supposed to touch the gum line or rest just barely touching it? My upper Hawley has a semi-detached curved wire (in an upside down C shape) above the molars that press firmly into the gum line. I already have recession on those molars (prior to braces) and I’m wondering if that firm contact could make it worse?

I haven’t been able to get it completely on since I picked them up. In addition to the touching the gum line, the wire leaves a small metal scratch mark on one of my front teeth when I attempt to wear it and take it off.

Also, has anyone worn a combo Hawley and Essex at once or do both retainers have to match? My lower Hawley fits perfectly but I also have upper and lower Essex retainers.

Thank you!

Re: Hawley wire pressing on gum line

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 12:50 pm
by Jethro
I wore an upper Hawley retainer for several years after my prior treatment and never experienced what you're describing. Sounds like it doesn't fit properly and needs to be adjusted. As for the Hawley/Essix combo, it seems fairly common but I would suggest seeing your ortho to discuss both concerns.

All the Best,


Re: Hawley wire pressing on gum line

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:39 pm
by RS27
Thanks for your reply. I wore it for one night and my teeth were so achy the next morning and felt like they were pushed inward by the metal bar. An appointment for an adjustment is in order.
