Getting ready to start my journey...

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Re: Getting ready to start my journey...

#16 Post by Nami »

Girl, you better stock up on mash potatoes!! :lol:

It sounds like you got a lot of crowding for your ortho to take out 4 teeth! I'm a bit surprised your ortho decided to take out the 2nd premolars as opposed to the 1st premolars too. Hmm..

Lemme tell you! Being under generally anesthesia is great! I was so terrified of taking out teeth (was traumatized before) but I didn't notice or feel a thing until post procedure. Then if your oral surgeon gives the good stuff, the pain wasn't as bad either. Though, I cold packed like crazy all over my face due to teeth being pulled in various places. Ultimately I didn't have swelling and I'm still going through a relatively good post procedure progress!

It still sucks to have gaps though. I have to bear with it for a while... :-((


Feb 9th, 2018: top 6 teeth braced || Feb 15th, 2018: extractions ||
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Re: Getting ready to start my journey...

#17 Post by Aro »

I've got pudding, apple sauce, and bananas waiting for me ^_^

My 2nd premolars (on the bottom at least) are very wanky. I guess they didn't form right when they grew in, so they look like what a perfectly round balloon looks like when you smash it inward. On the top, my right one is pushed way in from the rest and the left one is a root canal tooth. Also, apparently (according to my meeting yesterday) I managed to dodge jaw surgery, which makes me happy because I don't want that (XP). I could get it I guess because my lower jaw is on the small side, but that doesn't bother me and if it's not necessary I'm not doing it.

I'm doing this now because I'm on spring break (I work for a school district) and I don't go back to work until the 26th so I have a whole week to recover.

Yeah, I didn't think my crowding was that bad, but I guess I was wrong. Looking at it now, it looks so bad from the inside, especially since I've been taking my own pictures since my consultation back in February. There have been little things about my smile that have bothered me for some time, but not enough to make me go for braces. However, right now I feel this is the best thing I can do for my overall oral health. That's the only real reason I'm going forward. I don't want any regrets later for anything, and I think the worst regret would be not doing this, you know?
Brackets Bonded: 3-15-18||Extractions: 3-16-18||Arch wires: 3-22-18||Adjustments: 5-16-18; 7-9-18; 9-5-18; 10-31-18; 12-5-18; 1-7-19; 2-18-19; 4-15-19; 6-10-19; 7-24-19; 9-18-19; 10-23-19; 12-5-19; 1-9-20; 2-20-20; 3-12-20||Braces Removed: 6-3-20


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Re: Getting ready to start my journey...

#18 Post by Aro »

On another note, I've never had general anesthesia before, only local, so this will be an experience. I told my mom that if she wants any video, she better get it while I'm loopy XD
Brackets Bonded: 3-15-18||Extractions: 3-16-18||Arch wires: 3-22-18||Adjustments: 5-16-18; 7-9-18; 9-5-18; 10-31-18; 12-5-18; 1-7-19; 2-18-19; 4-15-19; 6-10-19; 7-24-19; 9-18-19; 10-23-19; 12-5-19; 1-9-20; 2-20-20; 3-12-20||Braces Removed: 6-3-20


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Re: Getting ready to start my journey...

#19 Post by Nami »

Do you by any chance have an overjet? I have a small jaw too and I was considered to be a jaw surgery candidate. I don't think jaw surgery is worth it for my case even though it was highly recommended. I've settled with a compromised/improved result rather than a complete fix. :/

I have been very insecure about my smile so just like you, I'm taking risks! I hope it'll look nicer at the end of treatment. Reading this forum sometimes makes me sweat bc some people were highly dissatisfied with the results.

After my extractions, I was hiccuping a lot. I rmb seeing a wheelchair, but I don't rmb being wheeled down from the 8th flr elevator and getting into my ride. My bf just told me that it was a one way street where the driver seat was closest to the curb. He said he placed me in the backseat bc it was safer for me to enter the car. Just now, I was like..."WHY DID YOU PUT ME IN THE BACKSEAT?!...b4 he gave me that explanation" apparently, I contested that fact too by pointing to the front seat and GRR'd at him with all the gauze in my bloody mouth. XD

What's really crazy is that I don't vividly rmb what happened the few hours post extractions. (My extractions were done at 4pm.) My bf said I was awake the entire time while I was in and out of consciousness. He took care of me by replacing my gauze a couple of times until I briefly dozed off. The pain kicked in when the anesthesia wore off. Be sure to have your meds handy bc it certainly helped me and ice, Ice, ICE! :D


Feb 9th, 2018: top 6 teeth braced || Feb 15th, 2018: extractions ||
March 5th, 2018: all braces on!

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Re: Getting ready to start my journey...

#20 Post by Nami »

Oh and congrats on getting your braces on today!! :-* Lmk how your extractions went once you're fully conscious and lived to tell the tale :GapToothed: :lol:


Feb 9th, 2018: top 6 teeth braced || Feb 15th, 2018: extractions ||
March 5th, 2018: all braces on!

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Re: Getting ready to start my journey...

#21 Post by Aro »

I'm alive, and the teeth are gone! No going back now :shock:

I do have an overjet (overbite, whatever it is) and my upper front teeth are protruded--which is the reason I had that accident in college >_<. For me, jaw surgery was not necessarily recommended, but suggested as an optional procedure. When I asked my ortho about it the other day, he told me straight up he didn't think I'd need it, so I'm not getting it ^_^ I'll just let the braces do their thing.

Honestly, the extraction procedure was not as bad as I thought it would be (the sedation helped). My surgery was at 9am this morning and I was told it would take an hour, but it may have taken a little more than that. I also got to pick out a smoothie to have for afterward, which was cool. I actually did cry on the way there though, because even though I'd prayed about this I was still really scared.

Surprisingly, I haven't been in a lot of pain today. I was expecting it to be way worse, especially my wisdom teeth extraction sites. They are a bit sore, but not unbearable, and I don't do well with pain so that says alot. Only mild swelling so far, and I think the bleeding is FINALLY under control. Been icing throughout the day and doing my medications as prescribed. We'll see how tomorrow goes...
Brackets Bonded: 3-15-18||Extractions: 3-16-18||Arch wires: 3-22-18||Adjustments: 5-16-18; 7-9-18; 9-5-18; 10-31-18; 12-5-18; 1-7-19; 2-18-19; 4-15-19; 6-10-19; 7-24-19; 9-18-19; 10-23-19; 12-5-19; 1-9-20; 2-20-20; 3-12-20||Braces Removed: 6-3-20


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Re: Getting ready to start my journey...

#22 Post by Nami »

Yup, once teeth are gone, you're committed to the end. XD

How big is your overjet? Mine is 9-10mm. What accident did you have in college if you don't mind me asking? I don't think it's worth the money to do jaw surgery. I am only willing to do any type of surgery if I'm in completely debilitated. I rather buy a new car rather than have a minor improvement of my overall appearance.

Did you feel like you blank out while you were completely awake? Knowing that I was going to be under anesthesia calmed me before the procedure. I was getting anxious when my oral surgeon couldn't find my vein... My veins are tiny but I'm glad he was able to completely knock me out where I lost consciousness. I was more terrified of the aftermath. It's still going good now and I hope it continues to do so. :lol:

In total, how many teeth were taken out? I hope the scary part is over for you now. It's the diet part that will be a challenge. My diet is starting to return more to normal now. It's still tough though.


Feb 9th, 2018: top 6 teeth braced || Feb 15th, 2018: extractions ||
March 5th, 2018: all braces on!

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Re: Getting ready to start my journey...

#23 Post by Aro »

I didn't ask how big the overjet was (it's pretty deep, though), but when I'm at rest, my upper front teeth do tend to push my top lip open. Even though I say 8 teeth total were taken (4 wisdoms, 4 bicuspids), technically only 6 were taken completely out and the bottom two wisdom teeth only the crowns were removed--the roots were left behind. As for finding my vein, the surgeon was working on my right arm for a while, but my vein is always in the left arm anyway, so when he asked the nurse to find one in my left arm she found it immediately. I was half gone by this point, but I remember that much. I also remember the IV going in, but for some reason the needle didn't hurt. I felt the bite wedge thing go in my mouth to prop it open, then some pressure, but I was gone after that. Don't remember anything until I was being wheeled into recovery.

Anyway, back in college (approximately fall of 2010, my junior year), a group of us went to Little Tokyo in downtown Los Angeles with the Japanese department at our university. We go every year, and my sister and I still take regular trips here and there. Luckily it was the end of the day, and I had just ordered and paid for my Boba. I went to go catch up with the second half of our group who were walking past outside, and rather than going out the door like I was aiming for, I missed it by some feet and ended up running into the glass wall--shattered my top teeth to pieces (front two and left incisor). Needed root canals and crowns on all 3 of them. Fast forward to January 2017, I was seeing my general dentist (she was new to me as of 2016) and she sent me to the endodontist for root canal re-treatment on my incisor because there was a huge abscess under it (gotta assume it had been forming for the last 7 years). I get to the endodontist for re-treatment, she looks at the x-rays and says I need surgery :shock: Surgery was scheduled for February 10th--I just had my last follow up last month and things are looking good on that front. Anyway, she had to numb me up real good and cut into my gums to reach the infection (turns out it was a cyst of some sort), dig it out, do a bond graft to heal it up, and stitch me back up. If I'm being honest, the the pain after the numbness wore off from my apicoectomy surgery (the procedure I had done) was worse than getting my wisdom teeth pulled! Not to mention walking around a few weeks with stitches in the front of my mouth until I could get them taken out.

Fast forward to January 2018, my general dentist is still pushing me to seek orthodontic treatment while I'm still young or I'll have so many problems later, so I finally gave in and took her referral to the orthodontist. That's where we are now. Hope I didn't bore you with my long history of dental woes XD
Brackets Bonded: 3-15-18||Extractions: 3-16-18||Arch wires: 3-22-18||Adjustments: 5-16-18; 7-9-18; 9-5-18; 10-31-18; 12-5-18; 1-7-19; 2-18-19; 4-15-19; 6-10-19; 7-24-19; 9-18-19; 10-23-19; 12-5-19; 1-9-20; 2-20-20; 3-12-20||Braces Removed: 6-3-20


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Re: Getting ready to start my journey...

#24 Post by Nami »

No omg, I feel like we have a lot in common in some way. It's quite crazy haha I'm also from LA and it sounds like we graduated uni the same year. If you don't mind me asking, who is your orthodontist?

You know, at rest I also have lip incompetence. I know that my lips are opened when I sleep. Then again, when my boyfriend sleeps, his lips are open too in his relaxed state. He does not have an overjet. (He has a snoring problem but that's a different story.) I think it's natural/normal for people to have their lips open when they're asleep. I don't think it's common to have lip incompetence though, hence, the braces.

Girl, you had it hard to take out so many teeth out at once! I'm surprised your wisdom teeth weren't taken out at an earlier time. I had my last wisdom tooth taken out last month along with the permanent teeth needed to be taken out for braces. I was suppose to take that tooth out 10 years ago, but at the time, the oral surgeon took out my lower left second molar which was growing horizontally. I was awake for the procedure. Although he placed a ton of local anesthesia, I felt the pain!! It was unbearable and I skipped out on the top left wisdom tooth because of it. I hyperventilated after that extraction of one tooth and avoided the dentist until nearly a decade later. I seriously should've been knocked out for the procedure. -_-!!

It's strange that your left arm vein is more easy to locate than your right arm vein. Luckily, I was poked only twice to my knowledge during my oral surgery. At one time, I was poked 5-10 times to find my vein for a vaccination shot in my younger years. It's a good thing you went unconscious throughout the duration of the procedure because seriously, that's a ton of teeth needed to be removed. Liquid diet, liquid diet!! >.<!! I gained back the pounds I lost from liquid diet. I'm going to get back into cardio training in the next week or two to work/maintain my figure >.>;;

It's also quite crazy that you bumped/ran(?) into the glass wall to incur serious damage to your teeth. I am still really terrified of the dentist. Dental problems and pain are the worst! What kind of braces do you have on for your treatment right now? Do you have spacers on or will you have them? Having spacers will cause you to feel quite sore. I got my molar bands placed on after that and currently, only one of my molar bands is causing me discomfort right now. I plan to bring that up on my next ortho visit.

I love to eat ramen and that has been one of my favorite sustenance throughout this process. :-*


Feb 9th, 2018: top 6 teeth braced || Feb 15th, 2018: extractions ||
March 5th, 2018: all braces on!

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Re: Getting ready to start my journey...

#25 Post by Aro »

My orthodontist is in Upland where I live. If I'm being at all honest, though, I was never gonna ever touch my wisdom teeth if I didn't end up going with the braces XP. I avoided braces for so many years. I decided to go with the ceramic over the metal because I felt they would look a little better on me (I'm not afraid of looking goofy because I'm goofy anyway once you get to know me, but upon first meeting you'll find I'm quite shy). Also, I was told that my ortho was on the board that designed these particular brackets and they don't stain like regular ceramic brackets do, which was a plus for me because I like ketchup (I don't drink coffee or eat curry, so I'm not worried about that). I get my archwires next Thursday. Hopefully I'll be healed up by then.

Yeah, I've been in and out of the dentist so many times over the years, it's insane (and in that time, I've switched dentists due to my previous one moving to the desert). I've almost learned how to be calm in the chair even when I'm getting some major work done--this was the first time I've ever been under the general anesthesia. Anyway, I'm lucky my oral surgeon was really cool ^_^ I'm going to leave him a nice review soon for taking care of me. I was actually talking to a mentor of mine a few days ago who had braces when I met her 3 years ago. She told me she had to have 6 teeth removed (which I didn't know). You should've heard her when I said I was getting 8 removed XD

I love noodles (not just asian food, but pasta as well-can't wait till I'm able to eat them again). Just had some yogurt for breakfast, and I can start doing my Peridex today, which I'll do in a few (it's my 4th time using the stuff so I'm used to the taste)
Brackets Bonded: 3-15-18||Extractions: 3-16-18||Arch wires: 3-22-18||Adjustments: 5-16-18; 7-9-18; 9-5-18; 10-31-18; 12-5-18; 1-7-19; 2-18-19; 4-15-19; 6-10-19; 7-24-19; 9-18-19; 10-23-19; 12-5-19; 1-9-20; 2-20-20; 3-12-20||Braces Removed: 6-3-20


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Re: Getting ready to start my journey...

#26 Post by Aro »

As far as spacers, I don't have them and I hope I never get them. My back molars aren't bonded yet because he wants my extraction gaps to close up some first.
Brackets Bonded: 3-15-18||Extractions: 3-16-18||Arch wires: 3-22-18||Adjustments: 5-16-18; 7-9-18; 9-5-18; 10-31-18; 12-5-18; 1-7-19; 2-18-19; 4-15-19; 6-10-19; 7-24-19; 9-18-19; 10-23-19; 12-5-19; 1-9-20; 2-20-20; 3-12-20||Braces Removed: 6-3-20


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Re: Getting ready to start my journey...

#27 Post by Nami »

I spent nearly a year visiting orthos around my area to find the ortho I settled with now. Tbh, I can't say I am completely satisfied with the ortho I am with now, but his experience and method is the one I think is best for me. I am taking a gamble on the unconventional approach--conventional being 4 bicuspids removed--since I don't think my case falls in "one [method] fits all." Upland is too far from me so nope, I don't think I met your ortho haha

My wisdom tooth was decaying and it was causing me pain this year. Idk if it was the source of causing me pain last year bc I felt the pain in my front top central incisor. It was on and off for 6 months lasting from 3 days to nearly a month. The endodontists I went to say that wasn't the case and that a root canal wasn't needed. I just hope I don't feel the pain from my front top central incisor again because that was one of the worst pain I ever felt.

I love ketchup, pasta sauce, and curry. I went with metal because I know I will stain my ligatures easily. Also, metal is cheaper and more durable. The archwires are going to make your teeth more tender for some time. Careful now. XD

Other than regular dental procedures and ortho work, I would gladly be under general anesthesia for more complicated dental work and teeth removal. *shivers* My next dental fear challenge is the application of TADS. TADS will be important during my braces treatment and IDK when it is going to be placed on. I find it annoying cleaning my braces as it is right now. TADS and elastics may add to the cumbersome cleaning process. I've used Peridex before too and yes, it tastes bad... Wish they flavored it with something nice. @@;;

Pasta was difficult for me to eat while I was recovering from oral surgery. Fettuccine tasted as if I was chewing plastic! >.<!! My bf made me pasta to bring to work the other day and when I microwaved it and ate it, it was tough to chew and felt funky as it met with my extractions site. Pho and ramen were more solid food friendly. XD I hope your post surgery procedure goes well. Your eating challenge is on! :lol:


Feb 9th, 2018: top 6 teeth braced || Feb 15th, 2018: extractions ||
March 5th, 2018: all braces on!

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Re: Getting ready to start my journey...

#28 Post by Aro »

Challenge accepted XD

As long as I can eat In-N-Out again I will be happy. PLEASE LET ME EAT IN-N-OUT!!!

As far as TADs goes, I don't think I need that (at least it wasn't discussed), but I will be getting IPR sometime during my treatment. I don't really mind that, since I do have other chipped teeth

Also, I think I can vouch for these ceramic brackets so far. After a full day of bleeding yesterday there is no discoloration ^_^ But I still have some time to go, so we'll see.
Brackets Bonded: 3-15-18||Extractions: 3-16-18||Arch wires: 3-22-18||Adjustments: 5-16-18; 7-9-18; 9-5-18; 10-31-18; 12-5-18; 1-7-19; 2-18-19; 4-15-19; 6-10-19; 7-24-19; 9-18-19; 10-23-19; 12-5-19; 1-9-20; 2-20-20; 3-12-20||Braces Removed: 6-3-20


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Re: Getting ready to start my journey...

#29 Post by Nami »

I haven't eaten a sandwich yet. CHICK-FIL-A FTW!! My bf and I were suppose to go eat at a croissant place today but he slept in. XD I drank a TON of milkshake during my recovery. Go to Carl's Jr. and get their choco shake. They're the BEST! :wink: !

IPR is normally done at the end of treatment. Are you going to have any appliances on such as TPA, nance, elastics, etc?

Bloody mess~~ XD You haven't gotten your ligatures yet! Those will stain...


Feb 9th, 2018: top 6 teeth braced || Feb 15th, 2018: extractions ||
March 5th, 2018: all braces on!

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Re: Getting ready to start my journey...

#30 Post by Aro »

I actually do have the ligatures on (those are the tiny bands that go over the brackets to hold the wire, right?) The technician put them on because she said sometimes it's more comfortable on the lips--and so far it's working. These ones are made to resist staining better than the old ligatures, but the bands (powerchains I'm assuming) do stain--they're working on a stain-resistant one though. When I get to that point, I want to see if I can get a different color like a silver or something. We'll see.

I may have elastics for my deep overbite, so I'll have to see as treatment goes on. I don't think I'm getting any other appliance besides the braces.

Right now, I'm just trying not to loosen these blood clots because I do NOT want dry socket XP I think I'm doing ok.
Brackets Bonded: 3-15-18||Extractions: 3-16-18||Arch wires: 3-22-18||Adjustments: 5-16-18; 7-9-18; 9-5-18; 10-31-18; 12-5-18; 1-7-19; 2-18-19; 4-15-19; 6-10-19; 7-24-19; 9-18-19; 10-23-19; 12-5-19; 1-9-20; 2-20-20; 3-12-20||Braces Removed: 6-3-20


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