post wisdom teeth extraction

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post wisdom teeth extraction

#1 Post by gearsofwarplayer »

basically this is how it went
before i tell u my story, i just wanted to say it was a really fun experiance being on the surgery drugs, i felt no pain at all, and now im at my computer with no pain and i get to miss school tomorrow to play Spam spam spam tra la la....spam spam spam 360 all day. :D

so basically i get up and rest. my dad drives me to the oral surgeon cuz its my "big day". i go into the waiting room and surprisingly im actually pretty calm. after about five minutes of waiting i get called and takin to the operating room. im sitting in the operating chair and they take my weight and size. the doctor tells me that my two lower wisdom teeth are impacted and they are going to be romoved and my upper ones are really high up in my jaw so she might not be able to take them out. she will have to drill into my gums and bone to see. this got me a little scared but the feer quickly went away because they put laughing gas on me so they can begin with IV sedation. laughing gas is funnnnn lol. all i remember was having heart moniter things put on my chest, my body tingling, a pulsometer being put on my finger, and then a little prick into my arm to begin the IV. After that i remember nothing. Time felt so short i woke up wich felt like fifteen minutes later but was really and hour! then i remember asking the doctor did they take my all four of my wisdom teeth out. she said yes it was a succes and i passed out again. during the procedure i felt nothing at all. i was completely out of it. i woke up in the recovery room with my dad. i was numb and the sedatives and drugs still had an effect. they lady told me wat i couldnt eat but i wasnt listening. the whole room was spinning. it was so fun. since i couldnt walk she put me in a wheelchair. i remember almost falling out of it annd she had to hold me down. the car ride home was amazing. i felt extremeley relaxed. i LOVE those hospital drugs. as soon as i got home i took some pills and the IV stuff started wearing off so i could walk!! i played some SPAMS and here i am typing this 10 hours post op.

final thoughts

if your getting your wisdom teeth pulled dont worry. its no problem at all.
i didnt even know if my teeth were out wen i woke up thats how comfortable and relaxed i was. after the surgery your jaws a little sore but thats about it. it doesnt feel like you were cut up or anything at all. just maybe punched in the face. anyone can handle it. all that sucks is u have to eat pudding ice cream and jello only. lol. i was really scared but id do it again anyday. it was actaully a really fun experiance

hope this helped get some of your fears away.

first post ever!!

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