Mewing & Forward Head Posture

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Mewing & Forward Head Posture

#1 Post by toothlesssmile »

Hello there,

I have had Damon braces for about 4 months now and have noticed some minor changes with my teeth however I would like to also see changed with my upper and lower jaws. I have read about Mewing and correcting forward head posture, I have started Mewing throughout the day and was just wondering if it is legit and if so so, how often each day should I be doing it?


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Re: Mewing & Forward Head Posture

#2 Post by iceman »

Similar situation. I'm 37 and got damon braces three months ago(Oct '17). Soon after that, I googled how to get rid of my tongue thrust problem and was surprised at what I found regarding how incorrect swallowing and tongue posture affects craniofacial development.

I had all the symptoms of someone who breathed through their mouth: Longish face, dark bags under my eyes, asymmetry (the right side of my face falls a bit lower than my left), deviated septum, sinus issues, headaches on flight descents, sleep apnea, receding lower jaw, double chin and chubby cheeks even though I'm quite slim, and of course the reason I got braced, crooked teeth.

Since I've started mewing (tongue on roof of mouth, swallow with tongue on roof of mouth, better body and head posture, chewing my food for longer and a bit harder) for just close to 3 months, the following has happened:
I'm breathing much better and almost always only through my nose.
Wake up with my tongue pressed against the roof of my mouth, which tells me I'm sleeping with that posture.
Not waking up randomly during the night, probably because my tongue isn't dropping down blocking my airway and forcing me to wake up.
My right eye which had a slightly lazy look before has definitely improved. They're almost matching.
My upper palate is a bit wider than before, probably because the tongue being in that space all the time is causing the dental arch to expand a little.
Just a few weeks ago I realized how my chubby cheeks are almost gone.
My orthodontist says my face has changed quite a lot from the time of my initial consultation to now.

The results are slow but you have to realize it took years to develop the problems in the first place. I will definitely continue the habits I mentioned above in the hope for:
Some horizontal growth to my face.
Wider dental arches.
Breathing easier.
No headaches during flight descents (haven't flown since I've got braces so not sure what the extent is now)
Better symmetry.
Losing my double chin.
Better defined jawline.

To finally answer your question, you should keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth all the time, except when you're talking, laughing, eating, cleaning, and of course when you're making out ;)

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