Opinion. Crown quick fix/ Invisalign or Braces long then veneers?

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Opinion. Crown quick fix/ Invisalign or Braces long then veneers?

#1 Post by Pauki »

Hello wired friends,

I am currently going through a big dilemma.
I have alittle bit of an overjet bite, isn´t too noticeable but is there, I still get to manage a good smile but its there and on top of that my front teeth are super worn due to nail biting, My teeth are fairly presentable, except for the two front.

I already checked with the dentist and my options basically are crowns on my front teeth and later in life invisalign or Braces for a year and 2 months and then crowns?

Opinion appreicated.

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Re: Opinion. Crown quick fix/ Invisalign or Braces long then veneers?

#2 Post by Prometheus »

The notion of grinding down perfectly healthy teeth just crown them for cosmetic reasons seems pretty unappealing to me. I would move them instead, and then the restorative work will likely be minor. Invisialign or braces is a decision you’ll have to make if you go in that direction. I did Invisalign only to have it fail and ended up with braces. Yet others have had good luck with Invisalign. It is definitely worth getting a couple of consults with board certified orthodontists and get their opinion before deciding.
Lower braces on March 11, 2015, upper braces added July 14, 2015.
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Braces off March 26, 2018: Total time in braces: 3 years, 2 weeks and 1 day.
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Re: Opinion. Crown quick fix/ Invisalign or Braces long then veneers?

#3 Post by assertives »

Are your teeth worn down due to the overbite or from the nail biting habit? If they are worn down due to the bad bite, then moving them with braces or invisalign would help prevent further damage. But if it was due to the nail biting habit, then moving them is not going to prevent further damage if the nail biting habit continues.

I have metal braces so I am more biased towards recommending traditional metal braces. Personal opinion; they are stronger, predictable and no frills. Invisibility is not that big of a deal for me to warrant paying a few grand more for ceramics or invisalign.

I also feel that the crowns and veneers options are too invasive for my liking. If the teeth are at a risk of fracture, then I guess the crown is probably good and necessary. Otherwise, it's just too much healthy natural tooth structure removed to fix a small "defect" which also obviously doesn't solve the underlying issue of a bad bite.

Do consult with a couple of orthodontists before proceeding.

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