Any thoughts on whitening after braces?

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Any thoughts on whitening after braces?

#1 Post by Ziggy »

Just got my braces off and I'm looking to do a little whitening. My ortho gave me some bleach to put in my retainers but the stuff is really irritating. I'm now using that charcoal powder everybody is raving about but I'm wondering if the stuff is bad for you, although the reviews on Amazon are great. Anybody had any experience with whitening? I don't want to look like Ross in that episode of "Friends."

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Re: Any thoughts on whitening after braces?

#2 Post by EmilyTravels »

I use Crest Whitestrips. They work very well for me. Prior to braces, I would use them for two weeks every six months or so, and I always got compliments on my teeth. They aren't as intense as ZOOM bleaching or similar, but for the price, they do a great job. I'm older (56), and having darker (gray/yellow) teeth is really aging, so I like keeping mine as white as possible, while still looking natural. I also don't want that unnatural look.

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Re: Any thoughts on whitening after braces?

#3 Post by assertives »

I also use crest white strips. It's the only thing that I have tried so far that seem to actually make a difference. You can stop half way when you feel your teeth are white enough for you.

I have also heard that the colgate optic white toothpaste, (the dazzling white one) works pretty well with long term use.

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