Brackets detaching, etc. Am I Sweating the Small Stuff??

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Brackets detaching, etc. Am I Sweating the Small Stuff??

#1 Post by melspell »

I've been back to the orthdontists office once a week since I got them on three weeks ago. Once for an open gate on a bracket, once for a bracket that popped off the tooth, and now another bracket has come off a tooth (still held against the tooth by the wire in the gate, but able to slide back and forth) and another gate popped open (but too late to go BACK to the ortho this week.) Should I be going back to see the orthodontist for all these mishaps? Or do the braces work properly without having the bracket reattached?

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Re: Brackets detaching, etc. Am I Sweating the Small Stuff?

#2 Post by bbsadmin »

Brackets pop off all the time, especially at the beginning.

Get them re-attached and don't worry. It's all part of the process!
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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Re: Brackets detaching, etc. Am I Sweating the Small Stuff?

#3 Post by catgyrl »

I'm also familiar with open bracket gates and brackets falling off (though I only had one). Lynn is right - they're very common, but yes, you should get them fixed.

As for the open bracket gates, you may want to ask them to please double-check those before you leave the office. I've had it happen twice, and it was because one person (the assistant) thought the other person (the ortho) had done it. After bring it up with both of them, now I see them making a concerted effort to check them before I leave.


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Re: Brackets detaching, etc. Am I Sweating the Small Stuff?

#4 Post by Snowglobe32 »

Shouldn't you be able to close an open bracket by yourself? I assume you have SL brackets, if you can close it yourself, I wouldn't go in for that.

I went in 4 times in 3 weeks because a wire (that I believe was cut too short) kept slipping out of the bracket. It can be annoying especially when you need to take time off of work. My ortho has two offices, one is a 5 minute drive from my house, the other is 30 minutes away. And of course, I had to travel to the office farther away each time.

In the case of brackets popping off, I would call and see what they suggest. I did have a bracket become loose once from biting on a cracker. I called and was able to get in within 2 hours. Those two hours were annoying because a loose bracket is uncomfortable.

In the event something else happens, give the office a call and see what they say. Hopefully, you won't have any more problems.

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Re: Brackets detaching, etc. Am I Sweating the Small Stuff?

#5 Post by VA5 »

Anytime someting goes "wrong" like a bracket popping off, you should call the ortho. I have had it happen and if your tooth moves enough, then it'll definitely set you back. Maybe it won't set you back THAT much especially if you're early, however it is definitely not a good thing b/c that tooth w/the bracket will not be moving (or in some cases, staying) where it's supposed to go.


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Re: Brackets detaching, etc. Am I Sweating the Small Stuff?

#6 Post by melspell »

Thanks everybody. All of these were just what I needed to hear. I have an appointment for next Thursday to get it reattached. I should quit worrying about becoming a pest. I think sometimes the cause is chewing meat (or whatever is a bit tough) because it causes a strain on the loose teeth, which might make them shift and therefore pop off a bracket. No steak for a while. : (

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