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Take a look at my underbite (Pic)

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:21 pm
by john_paul

here's my underbite

i don't think i have a severe underbite case, but i wanna ask if its possible to move the lower teeths back using braces.. im not talking about tilting the teethts in a way that they would be in the back of the upper ones. i really dont want surgery, so i hope the braces will do the trick.

i will be seeing a ortho in a few days.. but i just wanna see your opinions.

Bye all! :)

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:51 pm
by lionfish
I'm not an ortho, but I did start out with an underbite, amongst other things. Mine was not dissimilar to yours, but was complicated by a lateral open bite.

I was given two options: braces, or braces and surgery. I chose to go with braces alone.

My ortho has achieved some expansion of my upper arch and has reduced the prominence of my lower arch (I had plenty of room downstairs, with some additional spaces) so that my upper teeth now fit nicely on the outside of my bottom teeth. I'm not big on posting pics, but you can take my word for it. Also, that I am very happy with the progress so far.

Best is to see what the ortho says at your consult. And if you're not happy, get another opinion.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:12 am
by rsprouse
Yes it is possible to move the mandible distally to correct a class III bite. But there are a lot of details that determine if a surgical route is the way to go. There is no way to tell for sure from that one picture. But the simple answer is it may be possible in your case.


Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:45 pm
by CLAmom
I always thought that I would need surgery to correct mine and that's why I put off doing anything about for years and years. It was all about the fear. I have to say that after 7 months in braces I'm ready to say that I have a near normal bite. Prior to braces my upper front teeth came straight down on top of the lowers so I really didn't have much of a bite at all. Now my uppers cover the lowers about 1/2 way (I bite pretty hard on those lower brackets sometimes-ouch) and a couple of my molars touch in the back. A lot can be accomplished with braces but only your ortho will know for sure. Get 2-3 different opinions and pick the treatment that makes the most sense to you.