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Can you wear lingual braces with an ALF appliance or palate expander?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:57 am
by britangerine
Can you wear lingual braces with an ALF appliance or palate expander?

My teeth arch is narrow at the front and was looking to get lingual braces with an expander, is this possible?
Thank you

Re: Can you wear lingual braces with an ALF appliance or palate expander?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 1:12 pm
by SinkFullOfDinner
Can it be done? That's a question for a real ortho. Should it be attempted? I'll start with the assumption of "heck no!" I don't know what an ALF is, but I'm very familiar with the impact that linguals have on speech and how much room your tongue has, and have seen a couple examples of RPEs with young family members, and cannot even imagine having them in combination! Even if someone tried to convince me that I could adapt to speaking and eating with both of them, I would bet a lot of money that it's a hill too steep to climb.

My two cents is to get your options from a board certified ortho, and if they even offer that combo (I'd be shocked), proceed with caution. If they don't offer it as an option, don't go looking for it. It's for a good reason.